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Mental Quotes

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Nothing can go wrong in this world but yourself ; and you can go wrong only by getting into the wrong mental attitude  (Mental Quotes) You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself  (Mental Quotes) To make a contented slave it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken the moral and mental vision and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason  (Mental Quotes) There were only two times in my life when I’ve actually felt down about things and gotten myself into a full mental mess. One of the times was in 1982. I had a horrible time for a few months and felt pretty desperate. Then again in 1984, for various reasons, not all of them within my control. Since then, I just wander in and out of black moods  (Mental Quotes) Blessed be you, mighty matter, irresistible march of evolution, reality ever newborn; you who, by constantly shattering our mental categories, force us to go ever further and further in our pursuit of the truth  (Mental Quotes) A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control  (Mental Quotes) As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women’s mental health: employment improves it  (Mental Quotes) Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done  (Mental Quotes) I believe that the issue of mental health services for our troops deploying or returning from combat is one that demands the attention of this body, if only for a few minutes today  (Mental Quotes) I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the principles of diet will be an essential part of ones education. Then mankind will eat to live, be able to do better mental and physical work and disease will be less frequent  (Mental Quotes) I had some experience in dealing with people who have mental illness and depression, but I didn’t see the signs in myself. I couldn’t ask for help because I didn’t know I needed help  (Mental Quotes) I have always detested any departure from reality, an attitude which I relate to my mother’s poor mental health  (Mental Quotes) I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results  (Mental Quotes) I like all of the mental, psychological thriller movies too. I enjoy horror movies across the board  (Mental Quotes) I stopped thinking too much about what could happen and relied on my physical and mental strength to play the right shots at the right time  (Mental Quotes) I suspect the psychological pressure associated with that crisis caused the first mental blackout I had ever suffered. It contributed to a deterioration in my health that later required the insertion of a heart pacemaker  (Mental Quotes) I try to make my bed every day for mental health. Coming home to an unmade bed or a room with clothes all over will depress me  (Mental Quotes) I was one of those people who put too much emphasis on work and career and material possessions, and it took its toll on all my relationships, on my physical health, my emotional and mental health  (Mental Quotes) I’m a big proponent of having a mental health component go along with whatever the physical realities are  (Mental Quotes) I’m convinced that we can shape a different future for this country as it relates to mental health and as it relates to suicide  (Mental Quotes) It is possible to experience an awakening in this life through realising just how precious each moment, each mental process, and each breath truly is  (Mental Quotes) It’s not the normal way to look at things but I experienced death at a really young age and because of that it’s been part of my mental landscape that death is really very possible  (Mental Quotes) It’s sort of a mental attitude about critical thinking and curiosity. It’s about mindset of looking at the world in a playful and curious and creative way  (Mental Quotes) Mental communication without verbalization... all space is made up of waves and we are constantly sending and receiving messages from our brain  (Mental Quotes) Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it’s critical to wellbeing  (Mental Quotes) Psychology is the science of the act of experiencing, and deals with the whole system of such acts as they make up mental life  (Mental Quotes) The pool is terrible, but that doesn’t have much to do with my record swims. That’s all mental attitude  (Mental Quotes) The school made it very clear that women were entitled to positions of authority. That sense of entitlement allowed us to feel that we have a natural place in leadership in the world. That gave me a mental and emotional confidence  (Mental Quotes) There’s not a good poet I know who has not at the beck and call of his memory a vast quantity of poetry that composes his mental library  (Mental Quotes) They’re trying to tell us that we’re not right, so we have to buy their products. The number one cause of mental illness is not knowing who you are and you can’t know who you are if you don’t spend time honoring yourself, and living in the present  (Mental Quotes)
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