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Mental Quotes

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Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin  (Mental Quotes) The difference is almost all mental. The top players just hate to lose. I think that’s the difference. A champion hates to lose even more than she loves to win  (Mental Quotes) Spiritual nature is inconceivable and unlimited. Therefore, the activities of that realm will always remain beyond our mental speculation and intellectual concept  (Mental Quotes) All philosophies are mental fabrications. There has never been a single doctrine by which one could enter the true essence of things  (Mental Quotes) When you’ve learned to believe in yourself, there’s no telling how good a player you can be. That’s because you have the mental edge  (Mental Quotes) Water helped ancient man learn those first lessons about the rights of others and responsibility to a larger society... It became part of the moral and mental legacy parents passed on to their children  (Mental Quotes) I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain  (Mental Quotes) Our purpose is to be able to measure the intellectual capacity of a child who is brought to us in order to know whether he is normal or retarded... We do not attempt to establish or prepare a prognosis and we leave unanswered the question of whether this retardation is curable, or even improveable. We shall limit ourselves to ascertaining the truth in regard to his present mental state  (Mental Quotes) The golfer has more enemies than any other athlete. He has fourteen clubs in his bag, all of them different; 18 holoes to play, all of them different, every week; and all around him is sand, trees, grass, water, wind and 143 other players. In addition, the game is 50 percent mental, so his biggest enemy is himself  (Mental Quotes) I’ve heard people say putting is 50 percent technique and 50 percent mental. I really believe it is 50 percent technique and 90 percent positive thinking, see, but that adds up to 140 percent, which is why nobody is 100 percent sure how to putt  (Mental Quotes) You’ve just got to get over that mental hurdle and those battles in your own head during matches when things aren’t going so well. It takes time. It’s probably all things I already knew, but for someone to talk about it maybe in a different way makes you realise things  (Mental Quotes) Fifty percent of the game is mental and the other 50 percent is being mental. I’ve got that part down, no problem  (Mental Quotes) Because the demands on the goalie are mostly mental, it means that for a goalie the biggest enemy is himself. Not a puck, not a opponent, not a quirk of size or style. The stress and anxiety he feels when he plays, the fear of failing, the fear of being embarrassed, the fear of being physically hurt, all symptoms of his position, in constant ebb and flow, but never disappearing. The successful goalie understands these neuroses, accept them, and put them under control. The unsuccessful goalie is distracted by them, his mind in knots. His body quickly follows  (Mental Quotes) I’m not afraid of anyone, but sometimes I’m afraid of myself. The mental part is very important  (Mental Quotes) Once you’ve done the mental work, there comes a point you have to throw yourself into the action and put your heart on the line. That means not only being brave, but being compassionate towards yourself, your teammates and your opponents  (Mental Quotes) If ever we needed in this country to adopt a new attitude towards homosexuality, this is the time. Instead of treating it as a crime, and driving it underground, we ought to recognize it for what it is: it’s a mental illness, it’s a psychiatric condition which ought to be treated sympathetically by psychiatrists and social workers  (Mental Quotes) We possess within us a force of incalculable power, which if we direct it in a conscious and wise manner, gives us the mastery of ourselves and allows us not only to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness  (Mental Quotes) I recognize but one mental acquisition as a necessary part of the education of a lady or gentlemen, namely, an accurate and refined use of the mother tongue  (Mental Quotes) Now intelligence seemed quantifiable. You could measure someone’s actual or potential height, and now, it seemed, you could also measure someone’s actual or potential intelligence. We had one dimension of mental ability along which we could array everyone... The whole concept has to be challenged; in fact, it has to be replaced  (Mental Quotes) The animal kingdom exhibits a series of mental developments which may be regarded as antecedents to the mental development of man, for the mental life of animals shows itself to be throughout, in its elements and in the general laws governing the combination of the elements, the same as the mental life of man  (Mental Quotes) Maybe I’m a dreamer, but I wish mental health care was as easy to get as, say, a gun  (Mental Quotes) Nervous exhaustion from mental overwork is most often due to neglect of this rule and the brain worker should limit his regular day’s work to a reasonable number of hours per day and those when the brain is at its best  (Mental Quotes) There probably is no more important quest in all science than the attempt to understand those very particular events in evolution by which brains worked out that special trick that has enabled them to add to the cosmic scheme of things: color, sound, pain, pleasure, and all the other facets of mental experience  (Mental Quotes) Magic enables man to carry out with confidence his important tasks, to maintain his poise and his mental integrity in fits of anger, in the throes of hate, of unrequited love, of despair and anxiety. The function of magic is to ritualize man’s optimism, to enhance his faith in the victory of hope over fear. Magic expresses the greater value for man of confidence over doubt, of steadfastness over vacillation, of optimism over pessimism  (Mental Quotes) There is a way to play this game physically, but it’s the mental part that’s going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze  (Mental Quotes) We do not live in several different, or even two different, worlds, a mental world and a physical world, a scientific world and a world of common sense. Rather, there is just one world; it is the world we all live in, and we need to account for how we exist as part of it  (Mental Quotes) Too many people I meet believe that you can sit in a chair and be given motivation. With exercise and fitness, you get it by doing. The mental qualities you need are all linked like a chain. If you give exercise a try and see results, even if it’s as simple as feeling good that you get out the door, you’ll become motivated to repeat the exercise. Seeing results is inspiring  (Mental Quotes) Exercise and sports are greatly affected by what goes into the mind, and the mind is greatly affected by sports and exercise as well. This is true among exercisers at all levels, despite their different goals. A major element in mental training is visualization... Visualizing a positive outcome can create a pattern of success, as long as you set realistic and specific goals  (Mental Quotes) Sometimes a slight pace change is all you need to snap out of a mental or pyhsical funk  (Mental Quotes) Anything that really frightens you may contain a clue to enlightenment. It may indicate to you how deeply you are attached to structure, whether mental, physical, or social. Attachment and resistance are appearances with the same root: when you resist by pulling away your awareness, the emotion is one of fear, and the contraction is experienced as a pull like magnetism or gravity; that is, attachment. That is why we often fear to open our minds to more exalted spiritual beings. We think fear is a signal to withdraw, when in fact it is a sign we are already withdrawing too much  (Mental Quotes)
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