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Mental Quotes

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People are always selling the idea that people with mental illness are suffering. I think madness can be an escape. If things are not so good, you maybe want to imagine something better  (Mental Quotes) Not a few patients, however, suffering from certain forms of mental disorder, regain a high degree of insight into their mental condition in what might be termed a flash of divine enlightenment  (Mental Quotes) Mental violence is as bad as physical violence. You don’t see that very often in movies, so it was a good subject to tackle  (Mental Quotes) In an ideal world, it would not take a film star to get the media focused on mental illness  (Mental Quotes) I’m really not responsible for what mental operation people have when they’re reading my books other than the ones which are created by literary effects  (Mental Quotes) I always wanted to play a mental patient. I was fascinated with playing crazy people in college, and I don’t know if I ever quite perfected it  (Mental Quotes) I love sharing my knowledge of hitting with others. Now coaches and players at all levels can learn my systematic approach to hitting a baseball with more consistency, mental strength and accuracy  (Mental Quotes) I got married at 22 and remained in an abusive marriage for 10 years. I made up my mind that that was never going to happen to me again. I made a brave step to walk out in a society when you didn’t walk out of an abusive marriage. It was mental and physical abuse  (Mental Quotes) Fighting is very physical and extreme and you’re very vulnerable. It’s a very mental type of thing  (Mental Quotes) Mental illness is a disease and organic mental illness of young kids is becoming more and more of a disease... we do need to talk about it  (Mental Quotes) Taking care of your mental and physical health is just as important as any career move or responsibility  (Mental Quotes) Clearly, health and disease cannot be defined merely in terms of anatomical, physiological, or mental attributes. Their real measure is the ability of the individual to function in a manner acceptable to himself and to the group of which he is a part  (Mental Quotes) One may wonder indeed whether the pretense of superior health is not itself rapidly becoming a mental aberration  (Mental Quotes) I think we’ve bounced back and really been resilient. Even after a bad period, we take over and we seem like we’re on a mission. That comes with leadership and experience and a lot of things. A lot of it is mental toughness and resiliency in the situation you’re at, just trusting in your teammates  (Mental Quotes) What happens with every role, you have to trick yourself, you have to creatively find ways to explore the mental state of your character  (Mental Quotes) I’m at the point in my life where I don’t want to work as hard. Actually, I’ve had to take a good hard look at workaholism and it’s effect on one’s mental health  (Mental Quotes) To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it’s digging deep, it’s doing whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes and forms  (Mental Quotes) Mental illness is a very powerful thing. If it is with you it is probably going to be there until the day you die. I am trying so hard to break mine, but it is not easy. It is my toughest fight ever  (Mental Quotes) Mental wounds not healing, who and what’s to blame. I’m going off the rails on a crazy train  (Mental Quotes) Engineering training deals with the exact sciences. That sort of exactness makes for truth and conscience. It might be good for the world if more men had that sort of mental start in life even if they did not pursue the profession  (Mental Quotes) I was so happy to go to prom so I could have a mental break because I’ve been working so hard. It felt so good to feel normal for once, and then the next day, I was in the gym again  (Mental Quotes) All athletes speak about the mental element of athletics, and it usually boils down to the same thing: if you can remove your ego from the game, you can function with much more clarity and you are more likely to succeed. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we all began speaking about the mental element of our lives in this way?  (Mental Quotes) We fret about words, we writers. Words mean. Words point. They are arrows. Arrows stuck in the rough hide of reality. And the more portentous, more general the word, the more they can also resemble rooms or tunnels. They can expand, or cave in. They can come to be filled with a bad smell. They will often remind us of other rooms, where we’d rather dwell or where we think we are already living. They can be spaces we lose the art or the wisdom of inhabiting. And eventually those volumes of mental intention we no longer know how to inhabit will be abandoned, boarded up, closed down  (Mental Quotes) The reason a person is in a particular state of mind is primarily because of attraction and aversion. Attraction and aversion cause us to format a mental or intellectual program  (Mental Quotes) The journey of life is a mental one, which is taking place in the sea of illusion  (Mental Quotes) I think it’s part of your mental health to let go of things. I think if you would have it all right there, it would be a little overwhelming. I don’t know how you’d have a relationship. When you have a relationship, don’t two people collude to kind of forget certain things?  (Mental Quotes) Even the rich aren’t often happy. Their wealth is at best only a temporary distraction. It doesn’t make them immune to emotional and mental suffering, or to disease and death. They too must deal with loneliness, the deaths of loved ones and the frustrations and boredom of old age  (Mental Quotes) If you live for a very long while, you will have to watch your friends and loved ones die, your body age and lose its beauty and vigor, and your mental capacities fade  (Mental Quotes) Each time you dip into the well of existence it changes you. Rapid mental development is that process. It is a process of escalating your evolution  (Mental Quotes) There is mental conditioning in your mind put in there during this life by your parents, teachers, the society. You’ve been told what is and what is not, what is right and what is wrong. This has to be pushed aside  (Mental Quotes)
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