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Mental Quotes

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Thought and action can be perceived as two different dimensions of who you are: the mental you and the physical you  (Mental Quotes) The artist is a man who finds that the form or shape of things externally corresponds, in some strange way, to the movements of his mental and emotional life  (Mental Quotes) A sense of humor has been linked with longevity. It is a possibility that the mental attitude reflected in a lively sense of humor is an important factor predisposing some people toward long life  (Mental Quotes) People think you can get out your canvas and paint any time you have a free moment. You can’t. Commercial art and painting are entirely different. Painting takes a different mental approach. You have to get the right attitude, the right mood  (Mental Quotes) Creativity is dynamic, it asserts life, frees the human spirit, conquers mental lassitude and illness, and makes real the outrageous potential of the universal imagination  (Mental Quotes) The positive thinker, on the contrary, constantly sends out positive thoughts, together with vital mental images of hope, optimism and creativity. He therefore activates the world around him positively and strongly tends to draw back to himself positive results. This, too, is a basic law of mind action  (Mental Quotes) If you expect the best, you will be the best. Learn to use one of the most powerful laws in this world; change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility  (Mental Quotes) With constant practice, one can improve his physical body and mental attitude rapidly, thereby igniting the higher motives of making one’s self useful to himself and all mankind  (Mental Quotes) We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind  (Mental Quotes) No matter how many worries and anxieties harass you, remember always that they are removable. Enthusiasm with its immense mental and spiritual power can cancel out all fear  (Mental Quotes) Thoughts and words form your mental image. And since we become what we picture be sure your thoughts and words express prosperity and blessing rather than poverty and defeat  (Mental Quotes) Don’t let any obstacle stop you. Always remember that you have spiritual and mental qualities within you that can overcome even the seemingly impossible  (Mental Quotes) If the world suffers from mental deterioration or from moral degradation, then something goes wrong at the very root of civilization or culture. Even though that civilization may drag out for a considerable period, it grows less and less vital and ultimately tumbles down  (Mental Quotes) Breathes there a man with soul so dead that it does not glow at the thought of what the men of his blood have done and suffered to make his country what it is? There is room, plenty of room, for proper pride of land and birth. What I inveigh against is a cursed spirit of intolerance, conceived in distrust and bred in ignorance, that makes the mental attitude perennially antagonistic, even bitterly antagonistic, to everything foreign, that subordinates everywhere the race to the nation, forgetting the higher claims of human brotherhood  (Mental Quotes) Recognize that it is not really possible to steadily help others when we ourselves are not in good physical, mental, or emotional state. We may be able to carry on for a while, but sooner or later we end up feeling depleted, discouraged, or weak. We cannot keep on giving when we are running on an empty tank. We need to be solid  (Mental Quotes) An intelligent class can scarce ever be, as a class, vicious, and never, as a class, indolent. The excited mental activity operates as a counterpoise to the stimulus of sense and appetite  (Mental Quotes) Your job, with all that mental training and suffering, is just to push your line of breaking so far your opponent can’t find it  (Mental Quotes) Continually reorder the mind and the mental structures, the ability to think in prescribed ways, to analyze in prescribed ways, and to stop thought for periods of time  (Mental Quotes) Science has never sought to ally herself with civil power. She has never subjected anyone to mental torment, physical torment, least of all death, for the purpose of promoting her ideas  (Mental Quotes) My best advice for mental training is simply to create good habits, in order to build a sense of security and calm around you  (Mental Quotes) Mental toughness must be developed before you start fighting because you don’t want to be that guy who quits in the ring  (Mental Quotes) Like a pane of glass framing and subtly distorting our vision, mental models determine what we see  (Mental Quotes) Love tames the benumbed beast. A man is put to use regarding a woman’s physical safety, but a woman is put to use regarding a man’s mental safety  (Mental Quotes) As long as we are focusing on the breath we do not feed our mental, emotional, and physical patterns. By returning to the breath again and again we start to dissolve their power. We develop a space between experience and our identification with it, thereby weakening the process that creates habits in the first place  (Mental Quotes) The evil arising from mental improvement can be corrected only by a still further progress in that very improvement. Either morality is a fable, or the more enlightened we are, the more attached to it we become  (Mental Quotes) When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state  (Mental Quotes) Sleep doesn’t come easy when a broken twig conjures images of a hulking mental patient snapping the arms off children, over by the bin  (Mental Quotes) Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds  (Mental Quotes) We cannot study the brain, the instrument for fabricating the realities we inhabit, using the mental constructs of the past  (Mental Quotes) A stationary condition of capital and population implies no stationary state of human improvement. There could be as much scope as ever for all kinds of mental culture, and moral and social progress  (Mental Quotes)
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