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Mental Quotes

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It’s a mental battle trying to come back from injuries and I don’t feel like having that mental battle with myself  (Mental Quotes) Long hours of labour seem to be the secret of the rational and healthful processes, which are to raise the condition of the labourer by an improvement of his mental and moral powers and to make a rational consumer out of him  (Mental Quotes) The permanent mental attitude which the sensitive intelligence derives from philosophy is an attitude that combines extreme reverence with limitless skepticism  (Mental Quotes) Poetry is a mental activity in which there is no time interval between the words and the thought... And it mat inhere in a single word or phrase  (Mental Quotes) As with other modern artists, his readings provided not an organized outlook but a kind of metaphysical hum that surrounded his mental operations  (Mental Quotes) The world is chiefly a mental fact. From mind it receives the forms of time and space, the principle of casuality, color, warmth, and beauty. Were there no mind, there would be no world  (Mental Quotes) Work, mental or manual, is the means whereby attention is compelled, it is the instrument of all knowledge and virtue, the root whence all excellence springs  (Mental Quotes) Nothing requires so little mental effort as to narrate or follow a story. Hence everybody tells stories and the readers of stories outnumber all others  (Mental Quotes) The simultaneous reactions elicited all over the world by the reading of newspaper dispatches about the same events create, as it were, a common mental pulse beat for the whole of civilized mankind  (Mental Quotes) I never take any notes or draw charts or make elaborate diagrams, but I hold an image of the shape of a book in my head and work from that mental hologram  (Mental Quotes) Supreme achievement and outstanding capacity are only rendered possible by mental concentration, by a sublime monomania that verges on lunacy  (Mental Quotes) The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity  (Mental Quotes) Theories that diseases are caused by mental states and can be cured by will power, are always an index of how much is not understood about the physical terrain of a disease  (Mental Quotes) Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states  (Mental Quotes) Perhaps it is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused and, in reality, it is she who must prove her good reputation, her mental soundness, and her impeccable propriety  (Mental Quotes) People are treated for mental disorders, they go back to work and they earn wages again. We can see how their earnings go up. But how do they feel about themselves and the world? That has a value  (Mental Quotes) Because these people are operating at a very very low level of mental health, they are incapable of understanding the teaching  (Mental Quotes) Whether they were bank directors or mental cases, the people who were loaded on those trains meant nothing to me. It was really none of my business  (Mental Quotes) ... the excellence of the mental entertainment consists less in the subject than in the author’s skill in well dressing it up  (Mental Quotes) Today I know that physical training should have as much place in the curriculum as mental training  (Mental Quotes) Enlightenment is the inner light of wisdom that is permanently free from all mistaken appearance, and whose function is to bestow mental peace upon each and every living being every day  (Mental Quotes) All mental discipline and symmetrical growth are from activity of the mind under the yoke of the will or personal power  (Mental Quotes) Consciousness is a much smaller part of mental life than we are conscious of, since we cannot be conscious of what we aren’t conscious of  (Mental Quotes) A deliberate rejection of duty prescribed by already recognized truth cannot but destroy, or at least impair most seriously the clearness of our mental vision  (Mental Quotes) Conceptions of good and bad are all mental speculations. Therefore, it is erroneous to say, this is good and this is bad  (Mental Quotes) The effort to separate the physical experience of childbirth from the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of this event has served to disempower and violate women  (Mental Quotes) To be inflexible to the change around you is to live in fear. Qigong is a useful tool to improve your flexibility, both mental and physical  (Mental Quotes) Such is the delight of mental superiority, that none on whom nature or study have conferred it, would purchase the gifts of fortune by its loss  (Mental Quotes) Conversation, n. A fair for the display of the minor mental commodities, each exhibitor being too intent upon the arrangement of his own wares to observe those of his neighbor  (Mental Quotes) The question of good and evil remains in irremediable chaos for those who seek to fathom it in reality. It is a mere mental sport to the disputants, who are captives that play with their chains  (Mental Quotes)
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