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Mental Quotes

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Why is it alright to be going around, going mental with a gun, shooting all the monkeys and killing them? Because one day we’re going to run out.  (Mental Quotes) Mental wounds not healing, who and what’s to blame. I’m going off the rails on a crazy train.  (Mental Quotes) If I ideally can, I’d do a comedy, and then I would do something where I’m a mental patient, and then I’d go back and do a comedy so I can continue to express myself in different ways.  (Mental Quotes) Transcendental meditation is like a car, a vehicle that allows you to go within. It’s a mental technique.  (Mental Quotes) When you get sick and it’s extended, you go through all these mental phases, and everyone handles them differently.  (Mental Quotes) The notion that you can endanger your physical and mental health by letting strong passions go unsatisfied is a vicious falsehood.  (Mental Quotes) Congress’s definition of torture in those laws - the infliction of severe mental or physical pain - leaves room for interrogation methods that go beyond polite conversation.  (Mental Quotes) When you’ve been locked up in a mental institution, people are going to ask questions. It was OK, because I didn’t have to act perfect all the time.  (Mental Quotes) So it must be my mental, because sometimes when I start on the tee, I still worry about whether my ball is going to hit right or left.  (Mental Quotes) Once you’ve been in a mental institution, people are going to look at you funny  (Mental Quotes) There is a way to play this game physically, but it’s the mental part that’s going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze.  (Mental Quotes) I would consider my diary serves the same purpose as going for a walk or a run. They are all physical ways of clearing a mental landscape.  (Mental Quotes) Photography works upon the human eye: what is seen is reflected in the brain without the need for complicated thought. In this way the bourgeoisie takes advantage of the mental indolence of the masses and does good business as well.  (Mental Quotes) Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world.  (Mental Quotes) My good fortune is not that I’ve recovered from mental illness. I have not, nor will I ever. My good fortune lies in having found my life.  (Mental Quotes) Just avoid things like racing trains to the crossing, doing cocaine, etc. Develop good mental habits.  (Mental Quotes) All mental hygiene is based on the core practice of doing nothing. Most of us are good at wasting time, staring at the wall while telling ourselves we should be working. We call this doing nothing, but our brains are furiously active. We think constantly, and our thinking is often rife with distress.  (Mental Quotes) I respond to about a quarter of comments. It’s a good barometer of my mental health - when I’m healthy and busy, I don’t read them.  (Mental Quotes) I’m at the point in my life where I don’t want to work as hard. Actually, I’ve had to take a good hard look at workaholism and it’s effect on one’s mental health.  (Mental Quotes) Raising self-centered kids is not good for society, but it’s also not good for their own mental health to be completely self-absorbed.  (Mental Quotes) I think that people are entitled to be amused, and entertained. If they see deviations from this classical norm, it’s probably good for their mental health.  (Mental Quotes) I’m trying to do what Frank O’Hara did and remind myself there there’s a lot of good stuff. I write about New York for my own mental health.  (Mental Quotes) My life isn’t good or bad. It’s an incredible series of emotional and mental extremes, with beautiful thunderstorms and stunning sunrises.Some would say this is my artistic temperament. Others would say I am mentally ill or bipolar. I SAY... it’s a bit of both and I make the most of them, CREATIVELY.  (Mental Quotes) Running is a mental sport, more than anything else. You’re only as good as your training, and your training is only as good as your thinking.  (Mental Quotes) I’m not an athlete; I’m a quarterback. I don’t have great speed, and I can’t throw 90 yards down the field. I win games because I’ve done the mental preparation.  (Mental Quotes) The impact of the earthquake on mental health was huge and unimaginably deep in people’s lives. Some lost all benchmarks and references because of their great loss, we still have people coming to clinics with mental health problems related to the earthquake. They talk about the earthquake, about being under the rubble.  (Mental Quotes) SCIENCE! thou fair effusive ray From the great source of mental Day, Free, generous, and refin’d! Descend with all thy treasures fraught, Illumine each bewilder’d thought, And bless my labour’g mind.  (Mental Quotes) I couldn’t help but think, This car is taking me to a mental hospital and my mother is treating it like open-mic night at a Greenwich Village café.  (Mental Quotes) I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head. It’s been there a while, biding its time and growing closer with each revolution. I give up on rage, which at this point has become a formality, and make a mental note to get angry in the morning.  (Mental Quotes) Supporting mental wellness is crucial to any goal of decreasing gun violence in America  (Mental Quotes)
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