Mess Quotes

Text Quotes
I was an adopted child of my grandparents, and I don’t know how I can ever express my gratitude for that, because my parents would have been a mess, you know (Mess Quotes)
Chemistry has been termed by the physicist as the messy part of physics, but that is no reason why the physicists should be permitted to make a mess of chemistry when they invade it (Mess Quotes)
Cleanliness is very important. If you let kids make a total mess in the kitchen and then leave, you’re not really teaching them anything (Mess Quotes)
When all those city folks try to fix up my talking, all they do is mess me up (Mess Quotes)
We are to put it mildly, in a mess, and there is a strong chance that we shall have exterminated ourselves by the end of the century. Our only consolation will be that as a species, we have had an exciting term of office (Mess Quotes)
You want to tell a story? Grow a heart. Grow two. Now, with the second heart, smash the first one into bits. Gross, right? A bloody pulpy liquid mess. Look at it, try to make sense of it. Realize you can’t. Because there is no sense. Ask your computer to print out a list of every lie you have ever told. Ask yourself how much of the universe you have ever really seen. Look in the mirror. Are you sure you’re you? Are you sure you didn’t slip out of yourself in the middle of the night, and someone else slipped into you, without you or you or any of you even noticing? (Mess Quotes)
I’m proud of my wrinkles. They give my face character. As an actress, you mess with that at your peril (Mess Quotes)
When it comes to sitting down and composing, there is no hesitation, no concern, no critics breathing fire down my neck. For me, writing a song is the purest part of all. No one can mess with that (Mess Quotes)
I am a law student in my first year at the law, and there are many moments when I am simply a mess (Mess Quotes)
I think it’s a bit like coming to the end of a book. The plot’s in its thickest, all the characters are in a mess, but you can see that there aren’t fifty pages left, and you know that the finish can’t be far off (Mess Quotes)
Money can’t buy happiness but it’ll sure keep a mess of grief off your front porch (Mess Quotes)
I might be confused sometimes in my head but it is not something you need to talk about. Before you can talk you have to line it all up in order and I had rather just let it swirl around until I am too tired to think. You just let the motion in your head wear you out. Never think about it. You just make a bigger mess that way (Mess Quotes)
She had perfect features, with her eye, nose, lips, and ears the right size and in right places. That is all it takes to make people beautiful, normal body parts – yet why does nature mess it up so many times? (Mess Quotes)
You get older and you are a whole mess of things, new thoughts, sorry feelings, big plans, enormous doubts, goling along hoping and getting disappointed, over and over again, no wonder I don’t recognize my little crayon picture. It appears to be me and it is and it is not (Mess Quotes)
In biology, nothing is clear, everything is too complicated, everything is a mess, and just when you think you understand something, you peel off a layer and find deeper complications beneath. Nature is anything but simple (Mess Quotes)
Better he learns now that if you mess with people, you might get messed with in return (Mess Quotes)
... You should keep dental floss on you at all times; when your eyesight goes, quit driving; don’t keep too many secrets, eventually they’ll eat away at you. But the most valuable lesson he taught me was this: Every day we get older, and some of us get wiser, but there’s no end to our evolution. We are all a mess of contradictions; some of our traits work for us, some against us. And this is what I figured out on my own: Over the course of a lifetime, people change, but not as much as you’d think. Nobody really grows up (Mess Quotes)
Each time I think there is no place lower to go, I find that there is at least one place that will mess you up worse than you were (Mess Quotes)
And when is it ever convincing, the belief others have in your abilities? You know perfectly well they can’t see the mess inside you (Mess Quotes)
If you want to mess with me, you’d rather be ready for the consequences (Mess Quotes)
You know you’re a hot mess when the only person buying you drinks all night is yourself (Mess Quotes)
That’s why we feel so disoriented, irritated even, when these touchstones from our past are altered. We don’t like it when our hometown changes, even in small ways. It’s unsettling. The playground! It used to be right here, I swear. Mess with our hometown, and you’re messing with our past, with who we are. Nobody likes that (Mess Quotes)
My favourite pub game is, of course, snooker. Any game whose rules basically amount to finding a table covered in mess and slowly and methodically putting it all away out of sight is one with which I can empathise emphatically (Mess Quotes)
I’ve loved him for a decade. And I had him for one day before I made a complete and utter mess of things. Or he did. I’m still not sure about that (Mess Quotes)
I’m still kind of a mess. But I think we all are. No one’s got it all together. I don’t think you ever do get it totally together. Probably if you did manage to do it you’d spontaneously combust. I think that’s a law of nature. If you ever manage to become perfect, you have to die instantly before you ruin things for everyone else (Mess Quotes)
Life’s a freaking mess… there’s not one truth ever, just a bunch of stories, all going on at once, in our heads, in our hearts, all getting in the way of each other. It’s all a beautiful calamitous mess (Mess Quotes)
Things have been a mess for so many years that trying to pin down a starting point is like trying to figure out where your skin starts (Mess Quotes)
Here was something that I did all the time, and thought nothing of it, and it turns out the rest of the world thinks it’s completely reprehensible. That’s when I knew I needed to change, so I started making rules. The first one was; Don’t mess with animals (Mess Quotes)
People are people. We’ll always find a way to mess up, doesn’t matter who’s in charge (Mess Quotes)
Even though we often mess up, most of us are doing the best that we know how with the circumstances that surround us (Mess Quotes)