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My greatest fear is fear. Ooh, meta  (Meta Quotes) At a meta level, design connects the dots between mere survival and humanism  (Meta Quotes) My paintings are loosely based on meta narratives. The pictures float in and out of pictorial genres. Still life’s become personified, portraits become events, and landscapes become constructions. I embrace the area between which the subject is composed and decomposing, formed and formless, inanimate and alive  (Meta Quotes) I am so glad I was writing while on my last book tour, which was really meta, but I think a fascinating look inside the reality of what that whole madness is about.  (Meta Quotes) I have always been a big meta guy because I think the way journalism is practiced in Washington, and the way everyone sort of cohabitates in the same fishbowl is ultimately a bigger part of the story than people outside of the fishbowl really know.  (Meta Quotes)