Metaphor Quotes

Text Quotes
For an instant I think I saw. I saw the loneliness of man as a gigantic wave which had been frozen in front of me, held back by the invisible wall of a metaphor (Metaphor Quotes)
It’s like boxing a glacier. Enjoy that metaphor, by the way, because your grandchildren will have no idea what a glacier is (Metaphor Quotes)
Once, long ago in her world, a sunny day in spring was her favorite, but now a sunny day in winter delights her more. It is the perfect metaphor for their love. Sunshine on ice. She warms his frost. He cools her fever (Metaphor Quotes)
It’s a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing (Metaphor Quotes)
Dumped doesn’t even begin to describe it. If you’re going to use a trash metaphor, incinerated is more like it (Metaphor Quotes)
We don’t suffer from a shortage of metaphors... But you have to be careful which metaphor you choose, because it matters (Metaphor Quotes)
The world is emblematic. Parts of speech are metaphors, because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mind (Metaphor Quotes)
Then I strip the pants away from each leg, like peeling a banana. That’s it, the perfect metaphor: peeling a banana (Metaphor Quotes)
When raindrops hit the tin roof it’s crazy. That’s a metaphor, did I lose you baby? (Metaphor Quotes)
The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor; it is the one thing that cannot be learned from others; and it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity of the dissimilar (Metaphor Quotes)
The greatest thing by far is to have a command of metaphor. This alone cannot be imparted by another; it is the mark of genius, for to make good metaphors implies an eye for resemblances (Metaphor Quotes)
Metaphorically I am made of chairs. It’s a metaphor though. That means I am not actually made of the chairs (Metaphor Quotes)
The line between true self and feigned self is blurred on all sides. Which I think is a rather handy metaphor for falling in love (Metaphor Quotes)
The dancing vortex of a sacred metaphor clashes horns and halos to make wounded music set to the tempo of a new era in brilliant labor (Metaphor Quotes)
In the story shoes are just a metaphor for what these girls go through... the grass is always greener and everyone always wants to be in somebody else’s shoes; they don’t want to be in their own (Metaphor Quotes)
Often it’s just a short swim from the shipwreck of your life to the island paradise of your dreams, assuming you don’t drown in the metaphor (Metaphor Quotes)
Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that’s the essence of running, and a metaphor for life (Metaphor Quotes)
They see me as a symbol, and not a human being. That way they can kill me, say it’s not murder it’s a metaphor (Metaphor Quotes)
A tree is such a rich metaphor in a million beautiful ways. You can consider a tree growing and consider its connectedness to all things above and under the ground (Metaphor Quotes)
Drawing is a way of coming upon the connection between things, just like metaphor in poetry reconnects what has become separated (Metaphor Quotes)
I think the reason my stories have been so successful is that I have a strong sense of metaphor (Metaphor Quotes)
It’s a wonderful metaphor, catching a wave, for how you can look at other challenges in your life (Metaphor Quotes)
The idea that you might end up in a job that doesn’t allow you to be who you are, over the course of a lifetime, is still one of the most chilling nightmares to me. It’s a good metaphor for fears I have about losing my soul in some accidental, mundane way. So, to me, these jobs that my characters have are very loaded. They immediately suggest a complex character to me, a woman who is, say, a secretary, but also a vigilante on behalf of her own soul (Metaphor Quotes)
Yeah, obviously we use vampires as a metaphor for something else, something deeper than just the supernatural. But there’s just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people. There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you (Metaphor Quotes)
The voice within is what I’m married to. All marriage is a metaphor for that marriage. My lover is the place inside me where an honest yes and no come from. That’s my true partner. It’s always there. And to tell you yes when my integrity says no is to divorce that partner (Metaphor Quotes)
In some ways, I saw the garden as a metaphor for certain aspects of my life. A leader must also tend his garden; he, too, plants seeds, and then watches, cultivates, and harvests the results. Like the gardener, a leader must take responsibility for what he cultivates; he must mind his work, try to repel enemies, preserve what can be preserved, and eliminate what cannot succeed (Metaphor Quotes)
A good work of art reveals something that is in reality. A new metaphor, a new myth, a new type of character, all these reveal a feature of reality for which we previously had no name (Metaphor Quotes)
In this metaphor we actually have a picture of the computational universe, a metaphor which I hope to make scientifically precise as part of a research program (Metaphor Quotes)
The Olympics are a wonderful metaphor for world cooperation, the kind of international competition that’s wholesome and healthy, an interplay between countries that represents the best in all of us (Metaphor Quotes)
Do you know why teachers use me? Because I speak in tongues. I write metaphors. Every one of my stories is a metaphor you can remember (Metaphor Quotes)