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Meter Quotes

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I work best in rhyme and meter. I was most confident of myself in that way  (Meter Quotes) I think animation is like running a marathon, and making a movie is like a 100 meter sprint. The question is: are you a marathon man or are you a sprinter? I realized that I was more of a sprinter than a marathon man. With a long, long project, I get bored easily  (Meter Quotes) When you win a race your on top that day, so take it for what its worth, have a good time and party, cause the next day when you get out of bed, the meter goes back to zero again  (Meter Quotes) Colors in painting are as allurements for persuading the eyes, as the sweetness of meter is in poetry  (Meter Quotes) By far the most important consequence of the conceptual revolution brought about in physics by relativity and quantum theory lies not in such details as that meter sticks shorten when they move or that simultaneous position and momentum have no meaning, but in the insight that we had not been using our minds properly and that it is important to find out how to do so  (Meter Quotes) It takes a great deal of time and thought to install work carefully. This should not always be thrown away. Most art is fragile and some should be placed and never moved again. Somewhere a portion of contemporary art has to exist as an example of what the art and its context were meant to be. Somewhere, just as the platinum iridium meter guarantees the tape measure, a strict measure must exist for the art of this time and place  (Meter Quotes) When you put a movie together, you’re continually screening it for yourself and you’re screening it for other people. It’s like a video game power meter. When the power bar starts going down, you’ve gotta look at what’s going on  (Meter Quotes) The stock market has always had its own meter. Sometimes it’s ahead of itself, sometimes it’s behind itself. A broken watch is right twice a day  (Meter Quotes) The rhythm persisted, the unfaltering common meter of blues, but the blueness itself, the sorrow, the despair, began to give way to hope  (Meter Quotes) I want to prove that if you write in strict meter and rhyme about subjects people care about, they will buy poetry  (Meter Quotes) It’s not hard for me to figure out who I like or who my friends are. I trust my energy meter, but I’m also not afraid to let people in who might hurt me  (Meter Quotes) I don’t even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box  (Meter Quotes) Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance  (Meter Quotes) I am a helicopter pilot. Something that gives me pleasure sometimes is taking my helicopter to go high, 2000 meter, 6000 feet, to go there and feel like a bird. In this moment I feel free  (Meter Quotes) I keep a guitar around while writing and will improvise music. I do this for several reasons, such as that it’s fun, and sometimes it helps me with the meter  (Meter Quotes) Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity- but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money  (Meter Quotes) I have to tell you man, that my stalker meter is kind of registering in the red zone right now  (Meter Quotes) Don’t be married to a line or verse if it can’t rhyme, fit the meter, or doesn’t fit the outline  (Meter Quotes)
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