Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother: I see by you I am a sweet-faced youth

Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother: I see by you I am a sweet-faced youth
The line "Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother: I see by you I am a sweet-faced youth" is spoken by the character Sebastian in William Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night". In this scene, Sebastian is speaking to his twin sister Viola, who has been disguised as a man named Cesario throughout the play. The line reflects Sebastian's confusion and surprise upon seeing his own reflection in Viola, as he realizes that they are identical twins.The use of the word "glass" in this context refers to a mirror, which was commonly referred to as a "glass" in Shakespeare's time. By calling Viola his "glass", Sebastian is acknowledging that she is a reflection of himself, both physically and in terms of their shared identity as twins. The line also highlights the theme of mistaken identity that runs throughout the play, as Sebastian mistakes Viola for himself in the mirror.
Sebastian's realization that he is a "sweet-faced youth" when he sees himself reflected in Viola's appearance is significant because it underscores the idea that appearances can be deceiving. Throughout "Twelfth Night", characters are constantly deceived by outward appearances and mistaken identities, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings and romantic entanglements. Sebastian's recognition of his own youthful and attractive appearance in Viola's reflection serves as a reminder that things are not always as they seem, and that true identity goes beyond mere physical appearance.
Overall, Sebastian's line "Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother: I see by you I am a sweet-faced youth" is a poignant moment in "Twelfth Night" that highlights the themes of mistaken identity, reflection, and self-discovery. It serves as a reminder that true identity is not always visible on the surface, and that sometimes we must look beyond appearances to see the true essence of a person.