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Method Quotes

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Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity.  (Method Quotes) My meditation is a method of being aware - of whatever you are doing, thinking, feeling  (Method Quotes) Science isn’t about authority or white coats; it’s about following a method. That method is built on core principles: precision and transparency; being clear about your methods; being honest about your results; and drawing a clear line between the results, on the one hand, and your judgment calls about how those results support a hypothesis.  (Method Quotes) When the scientific method came into being, it gave us a new window on the truth; namely, a method by laboratory-controlled experiments to winnow true hypotheses from false ones.  (Method Quotes) He may be mad, but there’s method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It’s what drives men mad, being methodical.  (Method Quotes) Basically everything I’ve done in art, I was in possession of when I was 20 years old. I use a waste retrieval method of working. I’ll go back and use something that disgusted me 15 years ago but that I had enough sense to think about. Some artists change dramatically. I see my work more like history being written.  (Method Quotes) Democracy is a political method, that is to say, a certain type of institutional arrangement for arriving at political - legislative and administrative - decisions and hence incapable of being an end in itself.  (Method Quotes) I’ve never been a method actress; I’ve never been that person that wants to imagine horrible things happening in your own life in order to exploit them for your emotional being in the movie. I’m just not good at doing that.  (Method Quotes) I believe in the human form; let me find something, some method, by which that form may achieve the utmost beauty.  (Method Quotes) Learn Languages the Right Way. Language acquisition games and abstract communicative method are bullshit. The second-best way to learn a foreign language is alone in a room doing skull-numbing rote memorization of vocabulary, grammar, key phrases, and colloquialisms. The best way is in bed.  (Method Quotes) God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.  (Method Quotes) Unlike traditional nursing homes, Green House homes provide elders with a high quality of life and quality of care in a setting that feels like a real home. By altering the facility size, interior design, staffing patterns and service-delivery method, the Green House model provides residents better, safer and more personalized care.  (Method Quotes) Search is now more than a web destination and a few words plugged into a box. Search is a mode, a method of interaction with the physical and virtual worlds. What is Siri but search? What are apps like Yelp or Foursquare, but structured search machines? Search has become embedded into everything and has reached well beyond its web-based roots.  (Method Quotes) Birth Control which has been criticized as negative and destructive, is really the greatest and most truly eugenic method, and its adoption as part of the program of Eugenics would immediately give a concrete and realistic power to that science. . . as the most constructive and necessary of the means to racial health.  (Method Quotes) Birth-control through self-restraint is the most desirable, sensible and totally harmless method  (Method Quotes) The only way of learning the method of science is the long and bitter way of personal experience  (Method Quotes) I guess I was an early method actress. I would go to a quiet part of the sound stage with my mother. I wouldn’t think of anything sad, I would just make my mind a blank. In a minute I could cry.  (Method Quotes) I’m not a Method actor. I don’t believe acting should be psychodrama. I look within myself and see what I can find to play the role with. If I’m playing a blind man, I don’t go around blindfolded for days. A lot of good actors would, but I don’t go in for that very much. I like to just make it up as I go along.  (Method Quotes) I’d like to talk to Bob Marley. I’d just like to ask him what was his method. Bob is one of the greatest songwriters ever. I don’t know if people understand how powerful his songs are and the simplicity and genius behind them.  (Method Quotes) Obama has figured out the best method to prepare the way for his verbal Houdini acts: Use political noise as the tune-up din before the aria. Perhaps his body temperature is so low, it sometimes takes him too long to break out the song.  (Method Quotes) Of course I’m schooled in the old school method: taking what I think the director wants, then reworking it through my own brain and heart.  (Method Quotes) Create your own method. Don’t depend slavishly on mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I beg you.  (Method Quotes) I don’t know if there’s a method that I’d like to see younger people bring back, I just want to see everyone of every age in the kitchen.  (Method Quotes) Some people read business books looking for confirmation. I read them in search of disquiet. Confirmation is cheap, easy and ineffective. Restlessness and the scientific method, on the other hand, create a culture of testing and inquiry that can’t help but push you forward.  (Method Quotes) It’s to paint directly on the canvas without any funny business, as it were, and I use almost pure turpentine to start with, adding oil as I go along until the medium becomes pure oil. I use as little oil as I can possibly help, and that’s my method.  (Method Quotes) Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps.  (Method Quotes) Shipping is the greenest method of transport. In terms of carbon emissions per ton per mile, it emits about a thousandth of aviation and about a tenth of trucking. But it’s not benign, because there’s so much of it. So shipping emissions are about three to four percent, almost the same as aviation’s.  (Method Quotes) To advance spiritually requires a method of practice and determination to carry it out  (Method Quotes) Comedy’s my first love. I love that so much. You play comedy in drama, too. The difference between genres doesn’t really change the method of acting.  (Method Quotes) The Americans, they always depend on a method what I call ... stupid, silly. All I ask is check yourself. Do not in fact repeat their lies.  (Method Quotes)
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