Methodist Quotes

Text Quotes
My dad was a Methodist minister (Methodist Quotes)
Both my parents are Methodist preachers, I grew up in a church (Methodist Quotes)
I guess you could say, I’m just a typical Methodist kid at heart (Methodist Quotes)
He combines the manners of a Marquis with the morals of a Methodist (Methodist Quotes)
Our society is divided by the culture wars into the Left and Right, and the United Methodist Church has always stood historically in the center and has been willing to listen to and to bring together those things that often are found in opposite camps. (Methodist Quotes)
God bless the Methodist Church - bless all the churches - and blessed be God, Who, in this our great trial, giveth us the churches. (Methodist Quotes)
Author conveys contemporary respect for Methodist preachers who rode the circuit of frontier settlements to put themselves at risk for the Gospel near the Second Great Awakening. They were dubbed ‘God’s light artillery’. (Methodist Quotes)
My mother’s side of the family is Methodist, which is how I was raised. It was conservative in that I had strong values - sitting down and eating with the family every day, listening to authority and going to church every week and having perfect attendance at Sunday school. (Methodist Quotes)
I don’t care whether you’re Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, or no religion at all. Jesus Christ still loves you. You still matter to God. (Methodist Quotes)
I was able to adjust initially by plunging right into the book and the Bush Presidential Center at Southern Methodist University. And it turns out that there is a good way to make a living by giving speeches. (Methodist Quotes)
I grew up a Baptist and went to seminary at Methodist school, Duke University, but I also don’t worry too much about denominations. I love what John Wesley said - If our hearts are together, let’s not worry about whether our heads are together. If our hearts are together, then let’s joins hands. So, I try to do that regardless of denominations. (Methodist Quotes)
An atheist is a man who watches a Notre Dame - Southern Methodist University game and doesn’t care who wins. (Methodist Quotes)
I describe myself as a spiritual sampler, raised Catholic, been Baptist, Methodist, and a Unity member. (Methodist Quotes)
I was raised in an evangelical Methodist church. Evangelical meant that though you had been baptized and made a member of the church on Sunday morning, you still had to be ‘saved’ on Sunday night. I wanted to be saved, but I did not think you should fake it. (Methodist Quotes)
My father was a preacher in Maryland and we had crab feasts - with corn on the cob, but no beer, being Methodist - outside on the church lawn. (Methodist Quotes)
My mother told me once that she and my father agreed that I would not be brought up Jewish in Chicago. She had me going to a Methodist church. (Methodist Quotes)
I was raised Catholic, but my father’s people were Methodist, so we went to both churches (Methodist Quotes)
I was raised in a little church, the Grundy Methodist Church, that was very straight-laced, but I had a friend whose mother spoke in tongues. I was just wild for this family. My own parents were older, and they were so over-protective. I just loved the ‘letting go’ that would happen when I went to church with my friend. (Methodist Quotes)
I grew up in a little Methodist church that was very rural, very community support-oriented, made up of great people who talked about love and grace and the spiritual experience, but only in rhetorical terms. (Methodist Quotes)
I grew up in the United Methodist Church, and church was always a very big part of my growing up (Methodist Quotes)
I’m a firm believer in God himself, but that’s as far as I can go. I’m not any denomination. I’m not Catholic or Presbyterian or Baptist or Methodist or Jewish or Muslim. I’m none of those things. And I’m sure that’s just fine with God. (Methodist Quotes)
I’m terrified of being poor, I always have been. It’s growing up as a Methodist. I’ll spend that bit of extra money to get a better seat on a train sometimes, because it’s quieter and calmer, but I refuse to spend money on clothes. (Methodist Quotes)
I was baptized Methodist, but I was mainly raised First Church of NFL, which is to say that my family, especially my father, was much more concerned with watching football on Sundays than attending services. (Methodist Quotes)
My Methodist upbringing was very formative in my politics. I was born in 1969, and there was all this ecumenical ‘we’re in this together’ sensitivity that was part of the United Methodist Church in the 1970s. (Methodist Quotes)
His entire system of theology was comprised in the Bible, which he never read, and the Methodist Church, which he rarely attended (Methodist Quotes)
If you can't trust a Methodist with absolute power to arrest people and not have to say why, then whom can you trust? (Methodist Quotes)