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Mfa Quotes

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During my MFA, I was lucky to be surrounded by a really supportive group of peers. And now I get feedback pretty exclusively from freaks only  (Mfa Quotes) Genre/forms are institutional questions mainly. Like matter to MFA programs in terms of which workshop you can teach  (Mfa Quotes) I probably would have gone the M.F.A. route except I was a dad at 19, and it made more sense to go to work for a newspaper and support a kid that way. But the funny thing is, that detour became the most important step in my developing as a novelist  (Mfa Quotes) The main differences between contemporary English and American literature is that the baleful pseudo-professionalism imparted by all those crap M.F.A. writing programs has yet to settle like a miasma of standardization on the English literary scene. But it’s beginning to happen.  (Mfa Quotes) When I say that I went to grad school in Iowa City, people often assume that I went to the famed writers’ workshop MFA program at the University of Iowa. I didn’t. I got a master’s in journalism.  (Mfa Quotes) I graduated with a B.A. from Goddard College in 1991 and then studied poetry for a year in the M.F.A. in Writing Program at Vermont College.  (Mfa Quotes) During my senior year, I was supposed to spend a semester student teaching, but decided I couldn’t be a teacher. My aunt Beth’s friend was Jackie Gleason’s daughter, Linda Miller. She encouraged me to talk to her. After doing that, she recommended Catholic University’s M.F.A. acting program. So that’s what I did.  (Mfa Quotes) My M.F.A was in directing, and all the films I’ve made, for film school and after, I’ve written, directed and shot.  (Mfa Quotes)