Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes

Text Quotes
A good traveller is one who knows how to travel with the mind (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Everybody dies, but great souls ressurects in our memories (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Those who pretend as if they don’t love you, are the ones who would hate to see you love another person. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
If you think everybody hates you, then your ignorance is beyond the limit, because there’s a loving heart somewhere longing to see your face. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Don’t call anyone a devil, because within you, you can experience hell and the devil, and the devil is nothing, but you! (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Possession is not only when the devil plays hide and seek in your brain or poison your medula oblongata with negativity, but it is also when you are under the influence of the same specie as you! (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The height of your maturity and sagacity depends on your ability to see the beauty in ugly situations (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
You do not attain success when you associate with those in high positions, It comes when you accept yourself and realize that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Being satisfied with the little we have; academically, spiritually, financially, ecumenically or otherwise will prevent a lot of problems from coming to us, and our dependence in our abilities and talents will go as far as bringing us satisfaction in life (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The world is changing rapidly, and everyone changes along with the world. Discoveries is now becoming rampant; intellectually, technologically,etc, each having its advantage and disadvantage. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When Albert Einstein told you to hide your source, he wasn’t giving you a deliberate advice to conceal the root in which you’re growing, but was to conceal the root from the eyes of people that will dare to uproot it. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When you are gunning to be like other people, you are foolishly repeating their mistakes, and the worst of it all is that you can’t even correct yours. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Ignorance is the worst liberation. To know even a few is better than knowing nothing at all. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and does amazing things that makes the world think he is wise. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and do amazing things that makes the world think he is wise. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
A little inhumanity does not describe you as heartless, rather, it is a way of telling others that you have a heart that can get angry. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Cockiness is a display of an empty lifestyle, humility is when you see yourself as a zero while others are making you their hero. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
What every man should desire is an ugly woman with a beautiful heart, not a beautiful woman with an ugly heart. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
God’s anger is the toil and suffering of man. Man’s anger is the love and worship of his enemy. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
We have enough space in our hearts, but we are afraid of allowing animals shit and mess around with our feelings. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The massive lump of flesh that has created you, me, and maybe, animals, everything that has life will forever live. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Some women tend to bring insults into a little show you put forth to make them laugh, but they later accuse you of some abnormality if you keep them at arms length in order to regain your respect. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
They may take you for a fool, promise to shower you with the world, use their canny devastating tongue to manipulate and dominate your mind, but its better to put them bulshit people at arms length rather than falling into the arms of infidelity. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
A creative thought at first sight seems ridiculous and unimportant, an increase in those who cherish it reassures that hiding your creativity hides you for the rest of your life. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Confession is not all about telling your bad deeds to the public, but being proud of the bad things you have done so far. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
A true leader leads for the sake of love and his knowledge of the path, a bad leader redirects his followers to the path of destruction. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Only a fool would be patient enough to stay in a totalitarian love affair, and only the insincere will use anarchy to commit the sin of unfaithfulness. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
You can never be annoyed by anyone when you are just alone, insults comes from being too familiar even with the most respectful persons. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
You can capture me with your beauty, only if you are a brilliant photographer (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)