Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes

Text Quotes
To be CREATIVE, you have to be CRAZY, not because you’re CRAZY or want others to become CRAZY, but because you must be CRAZY, before others become CRAZY for you. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don’t be surprised to see him/her in porn movies. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Don’t let your teeth make you lose respect by permanently keeping them opened for the sake of being friendly. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
False humility is the pride of not being proud, real humility is without the consciousness that pride exists. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Sometimes you must agree with someones opinion for the sake of being polite and modest, but within you, you know that you are not foolish and crazy. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
To be unique calls for being unique in such a way that your uniqueness doesn’t make others appear inferior, and a uniqueness that doesn’t crave for anything apart from your own thing. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
There’s a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Atheism is a lack of belief...what about the powers of darkness, and that of light, will you trace both to nothing? Then you must have created yourself. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Believing the phenomenon of karma is placing your destiny in the hands of the devil (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Leaving the world behind is the best experience most feeble minds fear to try (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
There are better people in the world, do not let the worst do the worst to you, you deserve the best in life. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Don’t give people the chance to possess you with their negativity; their gibberish can look so charming, but it can’t make you a better person. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When you favour a woman, she will want to return the favour in so many means, but its better to rupidiate such offerings. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The more death, the more birth. People are entering, others are exiting. The cry of a baby, the mourning of others. When others cry, the other are laughing and making merry. The world is mingled with sadness, joy, happiness, anger, wealth, poverty, etc. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Trying something new is like daring to speak a foreign language, you bite your tongue at first, memorize and thereafter sing it as if you were pretending to be unacquainted. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When you commit a crime to upgrade yourself, your sin becomes a blessing, but your blessing kills you before your time. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Don’t cry for the dead, for the dead is deaf, dumb, blind, lame, unemotional and dead (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The only river I would like to be drown is the river filled with the blood of Jesus (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
A homely face does not guarantee a homely character. Appearance is the body, character is the spirit, and the soul bears the most vital qualities. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
The impact of music is so great that you’ll leave your book and start dancing (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Knowledge is not obtained through being absorbed in a book, it comes when you brush aside fantasies and sensuality, switching from the unreal to the real. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Learning and knowing something is cool, but superb knowledge comes when you leave your books and become the inner world’s friend. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
If you’re frightened of the countless number of books in the library, you’ll never write anything, until you close your eyes and hold the pen. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Break free from the binding robes of passion that feels like a lump in your heart, perform that surgery today, and you’ll be set free forever. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don’t even dream of coming down. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
When you see someone on top, look away and don’t try to bring him down, because he may someday help you reach the top. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
We can feel the vibration that comes from the candle flame, burning it way into our innermind, no blurry images, clear as crystal, we enter into the highest consciousness, on our journey back home, we possess the eagle’s eye, the eye that can see the invisible. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Even if you love a lady, don’t say you will take care of her while someone else is catering for your needs. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)
Always try to come back to your senses when in love, because that’s the moment you become almost carried away by sensuality and sentiments. (Michael Bassey Johnson Quotes)