Michael Hastings Quotes

Text Quotes
It was either write or die for me (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I want to be the greatest investigative reporter of my generation (Michael Hastings Quotes)
A woman I loved [Andi Parhamovich] was killed in Baghdad in January 2007 ” al-Qaeda in Iraq took credit for it ¦ The memorial service with me crying over an empty coffin. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
Usually when reporting on powerful public figures, the press advisor and I would have had a conversation that established what journalists call ‘ground rules,’ placing restrictions on what can and cannot be reported. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
When my editors and I at ‘Rolling Stone’ came up with the idea to do a profile of General McChrystal, I simply just e-mailed General McChrystal’s press staff, said we wanted to do a profile, and said if you could give us any time to hang out with the general, that would be great. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
If someone tells you something is off the record, I don’t print it. If they don’t tell me something is off the record, then it’s fair game. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
To General McChrystal, those men on his team are his family. You know, these guys, they would do anything. They would die for each other. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I think it’s very difficult to make people care about natives in another country (Michael Hastings Quotes)
When interviewing for a job, tell the editor how you love to report. How your passion is gathering information. Do not mention how you want to be a writer, use the word ‘prose,’ or that deep down you have a sinking suspicion you are the next Norman Mailer. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
General David Petraeus was so successful at getting on covers of magazines, having journalists fall in love with him, that in fact he was able to use that power to go around the normal chain of command. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
As the CIA tried to find itself, the threat of international terrorism emanating from the Middle East, Africa, North Africa and Central and Southeast Asia grew with each strike: the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
If Bill O’Reilly is calling you a far-left critic, in my book, no matter what your political persuasion is, that’s probably - that probably means you’re doing a good job. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I think when war becomes your life, I think it’s very difficult to have the proper perspective to be able to create a fully balanced policy. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
Whenever you’re reporting, there’s always something you can’t say or write, but the questions, you always want to get as close to that line as possible. You want to ask the tough questions. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
It’s never a good thing to see a government agency talk in secret about the need to ‘control protestors’ - especially when that agency is charged with protecting the homeland against terrorists, not nonviolent demonstrators exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceable dissent. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
Obama’s drone program, in fact, amounts to the largest unmanned aerial offensive ever conducted in military history: never have so few killed so many by remote control. (Michael Hastings Quotes)
An information operations team was sent to Afghanistan to conduct various psychological operations on the Afghans and Taliban. The team was then asked not to focus on the Taliban but on manipulating senators into giving more funds and troops [to the war] (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I thought Gen. McChrystal was unfireable, that his position was secure (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I have a deep-seated skepticism about the morality of violence. Violence is almost always morally corrosive (Michael Hastings Quotes)
If the thumbnail version of the Iraq war was that Bush lied about WMD, the thumbnail version of Obama’s war in Afghanistan is that the generals pushed him into a war he didn’t want to fight (Michael Hastings Quotes)
The humanitarian argument is so selective I find it difficult to swallow. It’s not even so much about the choice as to where we should get involved and where we shouldn’t (Michael Hastings Quotes)
Whether or not Afghanistan would be a peaceful nation-state had we not gone into Iraq I doubt. Afghanistan is going to be Afghanistan, no matter how hard we try to make it something else (Michael Hastings Quotes)
Look at the violence in Pakistan and the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan: the more troops we put in the more violent Pakistan becomes (Michael Hastings Quotes)
The guys on the ground are the guys I care about. I’ve had the most satisfaction telling their stories. But when you’re in combat with somebody, yes, a bond does grow (Michael Hastings Quotes)
After a decade of war you have this Pentagon-military apparatus run amok using resources that they shouldn’t be to try to manipulate U.S. public opinion (Michael Hastings Quotes)
When writing for a mass audience, put a fact in every sentence (Michael Hastings Quotes)
By the second sentence of a pitch, the entirety of the story should be explained (Michael Hastings Quotes)
I think when war becomes your life, I think its very difficult to have the proper perspective to be able to create a fully balanced policy (Michael Hastings Quotes)