Michael OBrien Quotes

Text Quotes
Genuine freedom is possible only where there is genuine love. And genuine love is not possible without truth (Michael OBrien Quotes)
Love cannot long survive without truth. Nor is truth really truth unless it is integrated with love (Michael OBrien Quotes)
The Natural Law which God has written into our beings cannot be entirely eradicated, but it can be gravely deformed, leading to distortion of consciousness and conscience, and hence our actions (Michael OBrien Quotes)
Harry Potter represents a much larger wave of cultural revolution that we’re all immersed in, and I believe it’s a spiritual revolution as well - a negative spiritual revolution (Michael OBrien Quotes)
A rare objectivity and insight can be imparted regarding this world’s struggle for spiritual integrity. In the land of Faerie, the reader may see his small battles writ large in the wars of titans or elves and understand for the first time, his own worth (Michael OBrien Quotes)
If creators of Christian culture hope to produce work that will bear good fruit, we must draw our life from the true source - our living Savior. He is real. He is present. But all too often we reduce him to an abstraction, giving him intellectual assent, but not our hearts (Michael OBrien Quotes)
It goes without saying that a good Catholic novel should be good craftsmanship, good writing skills. The creative person must always be engaged in the long labor of perfecting the tools of his art. Yet the work itself need not be explicitly evangelical in its themes and plots (Michael OBrien Quotes)
My Catholic faith is my life. Any artist, if he is to be faithful to how he perceives the world and to the nature of his creative gifts, cannot divorce the two. To create is to love. To love is to create (Michael OBrien Quotes)
Corrupt fantasy points us, or forms us, in a consciousness that can lead to thinking that evil is good and good is evil. In the worst case, this may have long range effects, prompting the reader intuitively, subconsciously, to do evil while thinking they’re doing good (Michael OBrien Quotes)
There are indeed ‘values’ in the Harry Potter series, but they’re confused with anti-values. Potterworld is a scrambled moral universe. There are Christian symbols in the series, but the author misappropriates them, mutates them, and integrates them into a supposedly larger and broader system where evil symbols are dominant. (Michael OBrien Quotes)
We must become a people who are in submission, that is, submitted completely to the mission of the Church, ‘in statu missionis.’ Thus, living fully within the mainstream of grace, under the mantle of God’s divine authority, and by uniting ourselves to the obedience of Christ on the cross, we participate in the reversal of Adam’s sin. (Michael OBrien Quotes)
Whether one is Marian or Charismatic or both, or prays in one or more of the many other ways open to us, it is all a flow of love, if the heart is truly speaking to and listening to the Holy Trinity. Personally, I pray the Divine Mercy chaplet every day. We pray the Rosary every day in our family. (Michael OBrien Quotes)
Imagination is a screen onto which the evil spirits can ‘project’ images, temptations presented as stimulating entertainments, offering us pleasurable rewards if we give in to the temptation. (Michael OBrien Quotes)
The Natural Law which God has written into our beings cannot be entirely eradicated, but it can be gravely deformed, leading to distortion of consciousness and conscience, and hence our actions. (Michael OBrien Quotes)