Michael Parenti Quotes
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Text Quotes
When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed (Michael Parenti Quotes)
People who think they’re free in this world just haven’t come to the end of their leash yet. (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Archbishop Romero of El Salvador was a member of the Salvadoran aristocracy. He could not have risen to the top of the church hierarchy otherwise. But after he began voicing critical remarks about the war and concerned comments about the poor, he was assassinated (Michael Parenti Quotes)
I spent thirty-three years in the Marines, most of my time being a hlgh class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism (Michael Parenti Quotes)
I had a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions. l might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate a racket in three city districts. The Marines operated on three continents (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Ecology’s implications for capitalism are too momentous for the capitalist to contemplate. The plutocrats are more wedded to their wealth than to the Earth upon which they live, more concerned with the fate of their fortunes than with the fate of humanity. The present ecological crisis has been created by the few at the expense of the many (Michael Parenti Quotes)
One finds fortunes built on slave labor, indentured labor, prison labor, immigrant labor, female labor, child labor, and scab labor - backed by the lethal force of gun thugs and militia. ‘Old money’ is often little more than dirty money laundered by several generations of possession (Michael Parenti Quotes)
In almost every enterprise, government has provided business with opportunities for private gain at public expense. Government nurtures private capital accumulation through a process of subsidies, supports, and deficit spending and an increasingly inequitable tax system (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The diseconomies of capitalism are treated as the public’s responsibility. Corporate America skims the cream and leaves the bill for us to pay, then boasts about how productive and efficient it is and complains about our wasteful government. (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The dirty truth is that the rich are the great cause of poverty (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The peculiar danger of executive power is that it executes (Michael Parenti Quotes)
One mechanism of repression is the grand jury (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The trick is to steal big (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Conservatives have nothing against incumbency when it is their people who are filling the slots (Michael Parenti Quotes)
You don’t know you’re wearing a leash if you sit by the peg all day (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Conservatives insist that government should be run more like a business. One might wonder how that could be possible, since government does not market goods and services for the purpose of capital accumulation (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Revolutions are not push button affairs; rather, they evolve only if there exists a reservoir of hope and grievance that can be galvanized into popular action (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The two party electoral system performs the essential function of helping to legitimate the existing social order (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The rich have grown richer, but their tax rate has declined. The poor have grown poorer, but their taxes have increased (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The most powerful ideologies are not those that prevail against all challengers but those that are never challenged because in their ubiquity they appear as nothing more than the unadorned truth (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The first atrocity, the first war crime committed in any war of aggression by the aggressors is against the truth (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force (Michael Parenti Quotes)
It is ironic that people of modest means sometimes become conservative out of a scarcity fear bred by the very capitalist system they support (Michael Parenti Quotes)
The crucial role communists played in organizing industrial unions in the 1930s and struggling for social reforms, peace, and civil rights strengthened rather then undermined democratic forces (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Conservatives are fond of telling us what a wonderful, happy, prosperous nation this is. The only thing that matches their love of country is the remarkable indifference they show toward the people who live in it (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Every ruling class has wanted only this: all the rewards and none of the burdens. The operational code is: we have a lot; we can get more; we want it all (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Union busting has become a major industry with more than a thousand consulting firms teaching companies how to prevent workers from organizing and how to get rid of existing unions (Michael Parenti Quotes)
Maintaining silence about a dirty truth is another way of lying, a common practice in high places (Michael Parenti Quotes)
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