Michael Pollan Quotes

Text Quotes
Unlike any other form of thought, daydreaming is its own reward (Michael Pollan Quotes)
My writing is remarkably non-confessional; you actually learn very little about me (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There’s no sacrifice in eating well, there is no sacrifice in pleasure. To the contrary, the best-grown food is actually the tastiest (Michael Pollan Quotes)
The gardener cultivates wildness, but he does so carefully and respectfully, in full recognition of its mystery (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Very simply, we subsidize high-fructose corn syrup in this country, but not carrots. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Suffering... is not just lots of pain but pain amplified by distinctly human emotions such as regret, self-pity, shame, humiliation, and dread (Michael Pollan Quotes)
We ask for too much salvation by legislation. All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse. (quoting Joel Salatin) (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Don’t eat anything your great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. There are a great many food-like items in the supermarket your ancestors wouldn’t recognize as food.. stay away from these (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There’s a schizoid quality to our relationship with animals, in which sentiment and brutality exist side by side. Half the dogs in America will receive Christmas presents this year, yet few of us pause to consider the miserable life of the pig - an animal easily as intelligent as a dog - that becomes the Christmas ham (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can’t pronounce (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Without the potatoe, the balance of European power might never have tilted north (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Avoid food products containing ingredients that are A) unfamiliar B) unpronounceable C) more than five in number or that include D) high-fructose corn syrup (Michael Pollan Quotes)
We’re supposed to show people how the world is, to give them the tools they need to make good decisions as citizens or consumers. Depending on what your values are - the environment, your health, animal welfare - the answers are going to be different for every person (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Studies show that organically grown crops produce more of the things (ascorbic acid, lycopenes, resveratrol, flavonols in general, etc) that our bodies need and also have less toxic residue. Science is still catching up with this. J. Agric. Food. Chem. Vol. 51, no. 5, 2003 (Michael Pollan Quotes)
In 2008, a year of supposed ‘food crisis’, we grew enough food to feed 11 billion people. Most of it was not eaten by humans as food, however (Michael Pollan Quotes)
America ships tons of sugar cookies to Denmark and Denmark ships tons of sugar cookies to America. Wouldn’t it be more efficient just to swap recipes? (Michael Pollan Quotes)
In corn, I think I’ve found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast-food meal, a McDonald’s meal, virtually all the carbon in it - and what we eat is mostly carbon - comes from corn (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Corn is the hero of its own story, and though we humans played a crucial supporting role in its rise to world domination, it would be wrong to suggest we have been calling the shots, or acting always in our own best interests. Indeed, there is every reason to believe that corn has succeeded in domesticating us (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I’m very hopeful that we’ll see some change in our food system. I don’t know how far we’ll go, or how quickly we’ll get there, but there is no question that a significant percentage of the American public is dissatisfied with the food system (Michael Pollan Quotes)
We spend a remarkably small, shamefully small, percentage of our income on food. We manage to spend money on lots of other things. All up and down the social ladder you find people with plenty of money for cell phones, home entertainment systems, all other forms of entertainment (Michael Pollan Quotes)
The food system is a very complex beast. There are people who are going to get their food at Wal-Mart or at Safeway; they’re not going to the farmers’ market. Those people need choices too (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I have no scientific training at all. I was an English major in school. Everything I learned about science I’ve learned as a journalist would, finding out what I needed to know (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I work very hard on finding good characters who can explain things to me, and I use them to help tell the story. I organize my pieces not just around people but around animals and plants, energy flows, the path that carbon takes through the food system (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Any kind of food you eat is going to have an impact on the world. If you switch to tofu and get off meat, the soy bean is doing enormous damage in the Amazon and all throughout South America (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There are many people who don’t do well on a vegetarian or vegan diet, that for them, meat is a very nutritious food. So, I’m not prepared to give up meat. I don’t think we need to give up meat, but we certainly need to change the way we raise meat and diminish the amount of it in our diet (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Much more has to be done to democratize the food movement. One of the reasons that healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food is that the government supports unhealthy food and does very little to support healthy food, whether you mean organic or grass-fed or whatever (Michael Pollan Quotes)
We do not subsidize organic food. We subsidize these four crops - five altogether, but one is cotton - and these are the building blocks of fast food. One of the ways you democratize healthy food is you support healthy food (Michael Pollan Quotes)
The problem is that we let special-occasion food become everyday food. That goes for soda and french fries (Michael Pollan Quotes)
It’s estimated that about 30 percent of the increase in grain prices could be attributed to the decision to embrace biofuels, particularly corn-based ethanol. It has done nothing for climate change and the business is in real trouble now with the collapse of oil prices. It’s completely dependent on a dollar subsidy and tariff from the government (Michael Pollan Quotes)
The other thing that soy contributes to, of course, is hydrogenated oil. This is the main oil. This is the fast-food oil (Michael Pollan Quotes)