Michael Pollan Quotes

Text Quotes
The things journalists should pay attention to are the issues the political leadership agrees on, rather than to their supposed antagonisms (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There's been progress toward seeing that nature and culture are not opposing terms, and that wilderness is not the only kind of landscape for environmentalists to concern themselves with (Michael Pollan Quotes)
When you go to the grocery store, you find that the cheapest calories are the ones that are going to make you the fattest - the added sugars and fats in processed foods (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Nutrition science is where surgery was in about 1650, you know, really interesting and promising, but would you want to have them operate on you yet? I don't think so (Michael Pollan Quotes)
When we mistake what we can know for all there is to know, a healthy appreciation of one’s ignorance in the face of a mystery like soil fertility gives way to the hubris that we can treat nature as a machine. Once that leap has been made, one input follows another, so that when the synthetic nitrogen fed to plants makes them more attractive to insects and vulnerable to disease, as we have discovered, the farmer turns to chemical pesticides to fix his broken machine (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Any food product that feels compelled to tell you it’s natural in all likelihood is not (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I don’t like writing as an expert. I like writing as an amateur. I like writing as an idiot. It’s much more fun to start in ignorance (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I’m kind of a homebody, and the rhythm of my thinking and work is starting at home, going out and coming back, bringing back news, bringing back information, applying it (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There’s always a tension in my world between the pragmatic and the practical and the theoretical. I have a very theoretical turn of mind, but I also like to test things in place (Michael Pollan Quotes)
If people eat healthy food, they will save enough to compensate for the food price being healthier and spending less on healthcare (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I think there’s a real tension between capitalism and morality. That’s not to say these systems aren’t powerful and useful, but to assume that capitalism can somehow assure moral behavior or character, that’s just a pipe dream (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I get letters from classes all the time. Say it’s assigned in someone’s 8th grade class, and the teacher asks everyone to write a letter to me about their impressions and what they learned. So, it’s incredibly gratifying to hear (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Students are very engaged by the issues, and it’s not surprising because food choices are one of the few powers a child has (Michael Pollan Quotes)
My hope is that if people have the knowledge, and if they actually see where their food comes from and have access to the information, they will make better ethical choices (Michael Pollan Quotes)
It’s very important to get out, to do reporting. It’s also really interesting. I come at it as a journalist, and I think that’s helped me, and I come at it as someone who sees nature wherever he looks, and that helps (Michael Pollan Quotes)
People forget that eating represents their most profound engagement with the natural world. Through agriculture is how we change the world, more than anything else we do (Michael Pollan Quotes)
If you’re going to change the food system, there is a lot that you, the consumer, can do on your own; but in the end, it will be very important to make changes at the national level (Michael Pollan Quotes)
In a way, the more techniques you apply, the less important the ingredients are. It shouldn’t be that way, but you can get away with it. But if you’re highlighting this astounding artichoke, it’s got to be an astounding artichoke (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Eat with consciousness. When you eat with consciousness, and you know what you’re eating, and you eat it in full appreciation of what it is, it’s enormously satisfying (Michael Pollan Quotes)
One of the most irresponsible things we can do is eat in ignorance, without any awareness of what our eating is doing to the world or to other species (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Even people who like the kind of food on offer, are coming to recognize that eating from this food chain is not conducive to good health (Michael Pollan Quotes)
There are things we know and things we don’t know about food. But there are certain basic things we do know, and that’s what I’ve tried to build these rules on (Michael Pollan Quotes)
People who snack sometimes sometimes eat kind of thoughtlessly and end up eating a lot more. But in principle, it’s a really good idea if you can exert the kind of discipline needed (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I really do think that cooking is very important. It’s really important for the farmers because it means you’re going to be buying real food and not processed food, so that means the farmers will capture more of your food dollar (Michael Pollan Quotes)
It’s really important for your health, because you will never use as much salt and fat and sugar as a corporation will use cooking for you (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I still think we have a long way to go on rebuilding a culture of cooking. Everyday simple cooking (Michael Pollan Quotes)
I agree insofar as we eat too much meat. We’re eating about 200 pounds per person per year. That’s about 9 ounces a day. That’s probably more than is good for us and it’s certainly more than is good for the environment (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Meat is a tremendous environmental challenge. It contributes enormous amounts of greenhouse gas, especially beef eating (Michael Pollan Quotes)
Animals die even if you eat vegetables. That is the nature of farming. There is a certain sacrifice involved (Michael Pollan Quotes)
It’s been a mystery to me and a disappointment why conversation about health care reform hasn’t turned more attention to the subject of food (Michael Pollan Quotes)