Michael Porter Quotes
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Text Quotes
The chief strategist of an organization has to be the leader - the CEO (Michael Porter Quotes)
Strategic thinking rarely occurs spontaneously (Michael Porter Quotes)
Apple does all of its research and development in America. It has all these brilliant people sitting in Silicon Valley. But until recently, Apple made nothing in America. Zero. And the jobs that were accessible to a good, well-trained worker that knew how to do welding or assembly, none of those jobs had stayed in America. We don’t have the workforce (Michael Porter Quotes)
If your goal is anything but profitability - if it’s to be big, or to grow fast, or to become a technology leader - you’ll hit problems (Michael Porter Quotes)
The best CEOs I know are teachers, and at the core of what they teach is strategy (Michael Porter Quotes)
Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different (Michael Porter Quotes)
The ability to change constantly and effectively is made easier by high-level continuity (Michael Porter Quotes)
The U.S. is facing a structural competitiveness problem that is leading to the weakest economy we have seen in generations (Michael Porter Quotes)
The thing is, continuity of strategic direction and continuous improvement in how you do things are absolutely consistent with each other. In fact, they’re mutually reinforcing (Michael Porter Quotes)
Strategy is about setting yourself apart from the competition. It’s not a matter of being better at what you do - it’s a matter of being different at what you do (Michael Porter Quotes)
Health care historically has been a very siloed field that’s organized around medical specialties - urology, cardiac surgery, and so forth - and around the supply of these specialty services. The patient is the ping-pong ball that moves from service to service (Michael Porter Quotes)
I teach in the medical school, the School of Public Health, the Kennedy School of Government, and the Business School. And it’s the best perch... because most of my work crosses boundaries (Michael Porter Quotes)
Strategy 101 is about choices: You can’t be all things to all people (Michael Porter Quotes)
Ultimately, health care fails the most basic test. It’s not organized around the needs of the patient. (Michael Porter Quotes)
Being an American doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed a high wage. You have to be productive, and we have to create a very low-cost, efficient place to do business, and we’ve let all that slip in America. (Michael Porter Quotes)
If your goal is anything but profitability - if it’s to be big, or to grow fast, or to become a technology leader - you’ll hit problems. (Michael Porter Quotes)
Strategy is choice. Strategy means saying no to certain kinds of things. (Michael Porter Quotes)
In America, the problems of poverty and low income, particularly for minorities, are disproportionately focused in the inner cities. Shining a spotlight on the businesses growing in these communities is proof that any community has the potential for entrepreneurship. (Michael Porter Quotes)
I’m really puzzled by why people in societies find it difficult to work collaboratively together with other people in societies. (Michael Porter Quotes)
America used to be a uniquely productive, low-cost place to do business. We had efficient infrastructure. We had limited regulation. We believed in the market. (Michael Porter Quotes)
If a strategy meets a goal: It’s working. If a strategy meets a target: It’s a success. (Michael Porter Quotes)
Millennials are more aware of society’s many challenges than previous generations and less willing to accept maximizing shareholder value as a sufficient goal for their work. They are looking for a broader social purpose and want to work somewhere that has such a purpose. (Michael Porter Quotes)
You can’t have a healthy society unless you have healthy companies that are making a profit, that are employing people and that are growing. (Michael Porter Quotes)
You can’t be all things to all people (Michael Porter Quotes)
The underlying principles of strategy are enduring, regardless of technology or the pace of change (Michael Porter Quotes)
A strategy delineates a territory in which a company seeks to be unique (Michael Porter Quotes)
Good leaders need a positive agenda, not just an agenda of dealing with crisis (Michael Porter Quotes)
Companies operating in urban communities have a tremendous ripple effect (Michael Porter Quotes)
Finally, strategy must have continuity. It can’t be constantly reinvented (Michael Porter Quotes)
A target should go with every goal. A target is the value that defines success (Michael Porter Quotes)
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