Michael Shermer Quotes

Text Quotes
Anecdotal thinking comes naturally; science requires training (Michael Shermer Quotes)
We’re all talking about the same thing, whether it’s religious people or New Age spiritual people or Buddhists or scientists. We’re all talking about having a sense of awe and wonder at something grander than ourselves (Michael Shermer Quotes)
In principle, skeptics are neither closed-minded nor cynical. We are curious but cautious (Michael Shermer Quotes)
‘Are science and religion compatible?’ It’s like [asking]: ‘Are science and plumbing compatible?’ They’re just two different things (Michael Shermer Quotes)
As Karl Marx once noted: ‘Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.’ William Jennings Bryan and the Scopes trial was a tragedy. The creationists and intelligent design theorists are a farce (Michael Shermer Quotes)
We know evolution happened not because of transitional fossils such as A. natans but because of the convergence of evidence from such diverse fields as geology, paleontology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and many more (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Scientists like Bjorn Lomborg in The Skeptical Environmentalist have, in my opinion, properly nailed environmental extremists for these exaggerated scenarios (Michael Shermer Quotes)
The first-cause and prime-mover argument, brilliantly proffered by St. Thomas Aquinas in the fourteenth century (and brilliantly refuted by David Hume in the eighteenth century), is easily turned aside with just one more question: Who or what caused and moved God? (Michael Shermer Quotes)
The case for exploiting animals for food, clothing and entertainment often relies on our superior intelligence, language and self-awareness: the rights of the superior being trump those of the inferior. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Being deeply knowledgeable on one subject narrows one’s focus and increases confidence, but it also blurs dissenting views until they are no longer visible, thereby transforming data collection into bias confirmation and morphing self-deception into self-assurance. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
There is a significant difference between having no belief in a God and believing there is no God... (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Flawed as they may be, science and the secular Enlightenment values expressed in Western democracies are our best hope for survival. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Flawed as they may be, science and the secular Enlightenment values expressed in Western democracies are our best hope for survival (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Tenure in any department is serious business, because it means, essentially, employment for life (Michael Shermer Quotes)
There are checks and balances in science. There’s somebody checking the people doing the science, and then there’s somebody who checks the checkers and somebody who checks the checker’s checkers. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Scientific prayer makes God a celestial lab rat, leading to bad science and worse religion (Michael Shermer Quotes)
The reason people turn to supernatural explanations is that the mind abhors a vacuum of explanation. Because we do not yet have a fully natural explanation for mind and consciousness, people turn to supernatural explanations to fill the void. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Creationists have also changed their name ... to intelligent design theorists who study ‘irreducible complexity’ and the ‘abrupt appearance’ of life-yet more jargon for ‘God did it.’ ... Notice that they have no interest in replacing evolution with native American creation myths or including the Code of Hammarabi alongside the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life’s pilgrimage. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
In order to displace a prevailing theory or paradigm in science, it is not enough to merely point out what it cannot explain; you have to offer a new theory that explains more data, and do so in a testable way. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
But the power of science lies in open publication, which, with the rise of the Internet, is no longer constrained by the price of paper (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Through no divine design or cosmic plan, we have inherited the mantle of life’s caretaker on the earth, the only home we have ever known. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
In science , all conclusions are provisional, subject to new evidence and better arguments, the very antithesis of religious faith. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Ever since college, I have been a libertarian - socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
The natural inclination in all humans is to posit a force, a spirit, outside of us. That tendency toward superstitious magical thinking is just built into our nature. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Since humans are by nature tribal, the overall goal is to expand the concept of the tribe to include ALL members of the species, in a global free society. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Play hard, work hard, love hard. . . .The bottom line for me is to live life to the fullest in the here-and-now instead of a hoped-for hereafter, and make every day count in some meaningful way and do something-no matter how small it is-to make the world a better place. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
In my experience, people are usually fired for reasons having to do with budgetary constraints, incompetence or not fulfilling the terms of a contract. (Michael Shermer Quotes)
Providentially, learned habits can be unlearned, especially in the context of moral groups (Michael Shermer Quotes)
I just witnessed an event so mysterious that it shook my skepticism (Michael Shermer Quotes)