Michel Foucault Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no glory in punishing (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Where there is power, there is resistance (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The best moment of love is when the lover leaves in the taxi (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The language of psychiatry is a monologue of reason about madness (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The soul is the prison of the body (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Visibility is a trap (Michel Foucault Quotes)
To work is to undertake to think something other than what one has thought before (Michel Foucault Quotes)
What I seek is a permanent opening of possibilities (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Believe what is productive is not sedentary but nomadic (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Why should the lamp or the house be an art object but not our life? (Michel Foucault Quotes)
I don’t feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Life itself was only futility, vain words, a squabble of cap and bells (Michel Foucault Quotes)
I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place (Michel Foucault Quotes)
But the guilty person is only one of the targets of punishment. For punishment is directed above all at others, at all the potentially guilty (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Unreason is in the same relation to reason as dazzlement to the brightness of daylight itself (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The judges of normality are present everywhere. We are in the society of the teacher-judge, the doctor-judge, the educator-judge, the social worker -judge (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The court is the bureaucracy of the law. If you bureaucratise popular justice then you give it the form of a court (Michel Foucault Quotes)
I belong to that generation who, as students, had before their eyes, and were limited by, a horizon consisting of Marxism, phenomenology and existentialism. For me the break was first Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, a breathtaking performance (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Do not use thought to ground a political practice in Truth; nor political action to discredit, as mere speculation, a line of thought. Use political practice as an intensifier of thought, and analysis as a multiplier of the forms and domains for the intervention of political action (Michel Foucault Quotes)
In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, man’s dispute with madness was dramatic debate in which he confronted the secret powers of the world; the experience of madness was clouded by images of the Fall and the Will of God, of the Beast and the Metamorphosis, and of all the marvelous secrets of Knowledge (Michel Foucault Quotes)
I’m very proud that some people think that I’m a danger for the intellectual health of students. When people start thinking of health in intellectual activities, I think there is something wrong. In their opinion I am a dangerous man, since I am a crypto-Marxist, an irrationalist, a nihilist (Michel Foucault Quotes)
It is meaningless to speak in the name of - or against - Reason, Truth, or Knowledge (Michel Foucault Quotes)
One cannot attend to oneself, take care of oneself, without a relationship to another person (Michel Foucault Quotes)
The first task of the doctor is ... political: the struggle against disease must begin with a war against bad government. Man will be totally and definitively cured only if he is first liberated... (Michel Foucault Quotes)
...if you are not like everybody else, then you are abnormal, if you are abnormal , then you are sick. These three categories, not being like everybody else, not being normal and being sick are in fact very different but have been reduced to the same thing (Michel Foucault Quotes)
Methodologically speaking, the rejection by [John] Boswell of the categorical opposition between homosexual and heterosexual, which plays such a significant role in the way our culture conceives of homosexuality, represents an advance not only in scholarship but in cultural criticism as well. (Michel Foucault Quotes)
As the archeology of our thought easily shows, man is an invention of recent date. And one perhaps nearing its end. (Michel Foucault Quotes)
I don’t write a book so that it will be the final word; I write a book so that other books are possible, not necessarily written by me. (Michel Foucault Quotes)