Mike Pence Quotes

Text Quotes
Budgets are moral documents. Federal funding should reflect the priorities and the values of the majority of the American people (Mike Pence Quotes)
I opposed the Medicare prescription drug entitlement. I opposed the Wall Street bailout. I opposed the stimulus bill (Mike Pence Quotes)
Like every American, I will never forget where I was on the morning of September 11, 2001. As a member of Congress from Indiana, that day my duties took me to Capitol Hill and to sights and sounds I will never forget (Mike Pence Quotes)
The presidency is the most visible thread that runs through the tapestry of the American government. More often than not, for good or for ill, it sets the tone for the other branches and spurs the expectations of the people (Mike Pence Quotes)
I thought it was important to speak about what I believe would be the right response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. I’m pleased to hear there is more sanctions maybe coming tomorrow. But the truth of the matter is I think we need less talk and more deeds (Mike Pence Quotes)
Let’s allow Poland and the Czech Republic to have that missile shield that they were entitled to by joining NATO. I think that’s the right strategic response to Russian aggression (Mike Pence Quotes)
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana does not give anyone the right to deny services to anyone in this state. It is simply a balancing test used by our federal courts and jurisdictions across the country for more than two decades (Mike Pence Quotes)
Police officers are the best of us. And the men and women, white, African-American, Asian, Latino, Hispanic, they put their lives on the line every single day. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Donald Trump is more concerned about the American people, American citizens, people who are here legally, people that are struggling in this economy. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Donald Trump is going to remain completely focused on American citizens and people who are here legally, and how we get this country working for people who play by the rules. (Mike Pence Quotes)
There are criminal aliens in this country who have come into this country who are perpetrating violence and taking American lives. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Enhanced interrogation gleaned information that saved American lives and - I was informed - prevented incoming terrorist attacks on this country from being successful. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Donald Trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the American people (Mike Pence Quotes)
Every American, including our president, represents that we uphold the highest ideals of the world (Mike Pence Quotes)
It’s time to stop the raid on the Social Security trust fund and start allowing Americans to invest their Social Security taxes in personal savings accounts. (Mike Pence Quotes)
President Trump’s made it clear that his administration is going to put the safety and security of the American people first. (Mike Pence Quotes)
If I’m vice president of the United States and Donald Trump is president, we’re going to put the safety and security of the American people first. (Mike Pence Quotes)
The American people want change, and they see in Donald Trump a leader who embodies the American spirit. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Look the, the American worker has been losing - for decades now. We’ve seen manufacturing in decline here in the industrial Midwest. (Mike Pence Quotes)
We can get America moving again, put on top of that the kind of trade deals that’ll put the American worker first, and you’ve got a prescription for real growth. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Years ago on my radio show, I used to say, ‘I’m a conservative, but I’m not in a bad mood about it.’ I’ve always believed that civility in heavy doses is essential in self-government. (Mike Pence Quotes)
I’m not sure that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know that we’re at war (Mike Pence Quotes)
I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn’t end with border security, it begins with border security. (Mike Pence Quotes)
It’s important that we remind the American people of what they already know about Obamacare - that the promises that were made were all broken. (Mike Pence Quotes)
Donald Trump has built a business through hard times and through good times. He’s brought an extraordinary business acumen, he’s employed tens of thousands of people in America. (Mike Pence Quotes)
We’ll be passing tax relief for small business owners and working families across the country (Mike Pence Quotes)
I think the relationships that we [with Donald Trump] developed on Capitol Hill are the reason why he’s asked me to be a part of the team that’s working to move our agenda forward in the House and in the Senate. (Mike Pence Quotes)
The focus of President Trump’s administration will continue to be to have a safer America, to have a more prosperous America, and to continue to advance the president’s agenda, both on Capitol Hill and through executive action and carry that message all across the country. (Mike Pence Quotes)
I do think that part of the reason why [Donald Trump] asked me to run with him and gave me the opportunity to serve with him was informed by my 12 years of experience on Capitol Hill and my years as governor of the State of Indiana. (Mike Pence Quotes)
My fellow Republicans, when Donald Trump becomes president of the United States of America, the change will be huge. (Mike Pence Quotes)