Mikhail Lermontov Quotes
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Text Quotes
One should never spurn a penitent criminal: in his despair he may become twice as much a criminal as before (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Russian ladies, for the most part, cherish only platonic love, without mingling any thought of matrimony with it; and platonic love is exceedingly embarrassing (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although frequently neither acknowledges the fact to himself (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
In simple hearts the feeling for the beauty and grandeur of nature is a hundred fold stronger and more vivid than in us, ecstatic composers of narratives in words and on paper (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
A childish feeling, I admit, but, when we retire from the conventions of society and draw close to nature, we involuntarily become children: each attribute acquired by experience falls away from the soul, which becomes anew such as it was once and will surely be again (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I have observed that there always exists some strange relationship between the appearance of a man and his soul, as if with the loss of a limb, the soul lost one of its senses (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
He has studied all the live strings of the human heart in the same way as one studies the veins of a dead body (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I am not capable of true friendship. One of the two friends is always the slave of the other, although, often, neither of the two admits this to himself (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
True, we might never have arrived, but the fact is we did. If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worth worrying about so much (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Afraid of decision, I buried my finer feelings in the depths of my heart and they died there (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
The story of a man's soul, however trivial, can be more interesting and instructive than the story of a whole nation (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
O vanity! You are the lever by means of which Archimedes wished to lift the Earth! (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I am like a mariner born and bred on board a buccaneer brig whose soul has become so inured to storm and strife that if cast ashore he would weary and languish no matter how alluring the shady groves and how bright the gentle sun (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I would make any sacrifice but this; twenty times I can stake my life, even my honour, but my freedom I shall never sell. Why do I prize it so much?... What am I aiming at? Nothing, absolutely nothing (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I sing whatever comes into my head. It'll be heard by who it's meant for, and who isn't meant to hear won't understand (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Disenchantment, like any other fashion, having started off among the elite had now been passed down to finish its days among the lower orders (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
Happy people are ignoramuses and glory is nothing else but success, and to achieve it one only has to be cunning (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
You men do not understand the delights of a glance, of a pressure of the hand... But as for me, I swear to you that, when I listen to your voice, I feel such a deep, strange bliss that the most passionate kisses could not take it's place (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worrying about so much (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
No, it is not you I love so ardently, the glitter of your beauty is not for me: I love in you my past suffering and my perished youth (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I do not love you; the former dream of passions and torments has passed by; but your image in my soul is still alive, although it is powerless; although I abandon myself to other dreams, I still cannot forget it; so an abandoned temple is still a temple, a dethroned idol - still a god! (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
I was born, so that the whole world could be a spectator of my triumph or my doom (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
And I, as I lived, in an alien land Will die a slave and an orphan (Mikhail Lermontov Quotes)
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