Military Quotes

Text Quotes
The chief attraction of military service has consisted and will consist in this compulsory and irreproachable idleness (Military Quotes)
Why do we have to be a military superpower? Why can’t we be a humanitarian superpower? (Military Quotes)
I prefer to march on my feet than to live on my knees before a military dictatorship (Military Quotes)
I don’t want to see the military falling. I want to see the military rising to dignified heights of professionalism and true patriotism (Military Quotes)
Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society (Military Quotes)
A lot of the stars were actually in the military and they were really strong characters (Military Quotes)
What surprises me, what amazes me, is that it seems the military people were expecting to stumble on large quantities of gas, chemical weapons and biological weapons (Military Quotes)
At Lackland Air Force Base, they make an effort to retrain military dogs that suffer from PTSD. It’s a lengthy, long process. The treatment is much the same as it would be for people, but it’s a difficult road back (Military Quotes)
I liked the military life. They teach you self-sufficiency early on. I always say that I learned most of what I know about leadership in the Marine Corps. Certain basic principles stay with you - sometimes consciously, mostly unconsciously (Military Quotes)
Duarte is a moderate when it comes to civilian control of the military and curbing death squads. On economics, the man is almost a Marxist (Military Quotes)
These missiles [Cruise and Pershing II] represent a new generation of missiles whose deployment will help give NATO first-strike capability. With this first-strike strategy, the West believes it could attack Russian military installations with such effectiveness that serious retaliation would be impossible (Military Quotes)
General welfare is a general condition - maybe sound currency is general welfare, maybe markets, maybe judicial system, maybe a national defense, but this is specific welfare. This justifies the whole welfare state - the military industrial complex, the welfare to foreigners, the welfare state that imprisons our people and impoverishes our people and gives us our recession (Military Quotes)
Any military force should be dictated by the vital national security interests of the United States. And if and when we use force, we should use overwhelming force for a clearly stated objective. And then when we’re done, we should get the heck out (Military Quotes)
As a Korean War Veteran, I know too well the troubling nature of war. This is why I will always support a diplomatic answer before military intervention (Military Quotes)
I don’t want any romantics to go into the military. I’m not a pacifist. I think we need a military, and the better one we have, the better off we are. I don’t want kids going in there thinking that it’s John Wayne on Iwo Jima. That’s not healthy (Military Quotes)
And I think that it’s - the military has actually made improvements, so people are considering post-traumatic stress disorder as, at the least, a possible psychological problem. You know, when I was in Vietnam, it was just considered malingering. And we’re making progress (Military Quotes)
Vietnam was the first time that Americans of different races had to depend on each other. In the Second World War, they were segregated; it was in Vietnam that American integration happened in the military - and it wasn’t easy (Military Quotes)
Anyone graduating from medical school in 1966 had first to fulfill military service before launching a career. Fiercely opposed to the Vietnam War, I sought to avoid it through an assignment to the Public Health Service (Military Quotes)
The Book of Revelation has all the authority, in these theological uplands, of military orders in time of war. The people turn to it for light upon all their problems, spiritual and secular (Military Quotes)
Men and women serving in the military deserve better than what they’re giving - what we’re giving them. They don’t know what they’re going to be doing tomorrow (Military Quotes)
The United States military is now using the music of Metallica and other heavy metal bands to break the will of Saddam Hussein supporters to get them to talk. Theyre blaring heavy metal music at them. That should make the artist feel pretty good, huh? Put your heart and soul into your last CD and the Army is using it to torture people (Military Quotes)
I have not the smallest doubt that, if we had a purely democratic government here, the effect would be the same. Either the poor would plunder the rich, and civilisation would perish; or order and property would be saved by a strong military government, and liberty would perish (Military Quotes)
The White House has now released military documents that they say prove George Bush met his requirements for the National Guard. Big deal, we’ve got documents that prove Al Gore won the election (Military Quotes)
There was an embarrassing moment in the White House earlier today. They were looking around while searching for George Bush’s military records. They actually found some old Al Gore ballots (Military Quotes)
Israel is in the midst of a difficult military and diplomatic campaign against terrorists. An organisation that works to prove allegations that Israel is committing war crimes should be so good as to do so with its own resources and not with civilian national service volunteers and state funds (Military Quotes)
Actions speak louder than words. The reality is that at least 10 journalists have been killed by the US military, and according to reports I believe to be true journalists have been arrested and tortured by US forces (Military Quotes)
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who serve or have served in our countrys military, as well as to the families of those individuals. Whether protecting our freedoms in foreign fields or making contributions here at home, the value these men and women bring to the American workforce and our way of life is beyond measure (Military Quotes)
The left, of course, will say Carson doesn’t believe in the Geneva Convention, Carson doesn’t believe in fighting stupid wars. And - and what we have to remember is we want to utilize the tremendous intellect that we have in the military to win wars (Military Quotes)
What really happened in Vietnam was- all these things are away games for the American military. We’re not on our home turf, which means to succeed there has to be a partner. And the definition of partnership is someone willing to risk their lives in their home area to prevail because they think it’s necessary to build a decent life and a better life for their people (Military Quotes)
The scary thing is a dramatic erosion of American position in the world - its economic, military position, as well as America’s influence. Obama is not the man at the wheel desperately trying to conserve American power, influence and wealth. For ideological reasons, he wants the slipping to continue. He’s actually the architect of it (Military Quotes)