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Million Quotes

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Love, it’s such a night, laced with running water, irreparable, riddled with a million leaks. A night shaped like a shadow thrown by your absence. Every crack trickles, every overhang drips. The screech of nighthawks has been replaced by the splash of rain. The rain falls from the height of streetlights. Each drop contains its own shattering blue bulb  (Million Quotes) When I started this run, I said that if we all gave one dollar, we’d have $22 million for cancer research, and I don’t care man, there’s no reason that isn’t possible. No reason!  (Million Quotes) Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world  (Million Quotes) I am sure it has been done with less, but you should be prepared to write and throw away a million words of finished material. By finished, I mean completed, done, ready to submit, and written as well as you know how at the time you wrote it. You may be ashamed of it later, but that’s another story  (Million Quotes) School kids don’t know the world is a million times bigger than school’s version of it  (Million Quotes) It was a completely new feeling for me–like someone had just released a million, tiny butterflies loose in my stomach, and they were feverishly flying up into my head and making me lose my mind  (Million Quotes) At a conservative estimate, there are probably a million men and women in their twenties and thirties who would happily work long hours doing what most needs to be done, if they were paid something for it  (Million Quotes) For a million years the sound of making handaxes provided the percussion of everyday life. Anyone choosing a hundred objects to tell a history of the world would have to include a handaxe  (Million Quotes) One thing about open source is that even the failures contribute to the next thing that comes up. Unlike a company that could spend a million dollars in two years and fail and there’s nothing really to show for it, if you spend a million dollars on open source, you probably have something amazing that other people can build on  (Million Quotes) We may never understand illnesses such as cancer. In fact, we may never cure it. But an ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure  (Million Quotes) You can go to the doctor a million times if you’re feeling down, and get nowhere, but if you go for a run it makes you feel really good  (Million Quotes) My life’s not tragic at all. How many guys do you know who are bankrupt and just bought a $3 million house and are getting ready to get $6 million more?  (Million Quotes) It is best never to have been born. But who among us has such luck? One in a million, perhaps  (Million Quotes) There are nine million people who see me in the ring and hate my guts. Most of them are white. That’s okay. Just spell my name right  (Million Quotes) My mother knew if you bought a couple of really good architectural outfits and put your money into accessories, you could create a million different looks. She taught that to me, which I think was invaluable  (Million Quotes) Any company executive who overcharges the government more than $5 million will be fined $50 or have to go to traffic school three nights a week  (Million Quotes) If you owe $50, you’re a delinquent account. If you owe $50,000, you’re a small businessmen. If you owe $50 million, you’re a corporation. If you owe $50 billion, your the government  (Million Quotes) Three or four million heads of households don’t turn into tramps and cheats overnight, nor do they lose the habits and standards of a lifetime... They don’t drink any more than the rest of us, they don’t lie any more, they’re no lazier than the rest of us... An eighth or a tenth of the earning population does not change its character which has been generations in the molding, or, if such a change actually occurs, we can scarcely charge it up to personal sin  (Million Quotes) Do we really need school? I don’t mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year, for twelve years. Is this deadly routine really necessary? And if so, for what? Don’t hide behind reading, writing, and arithmetic as a rationale, because 2 million happy homeschoolers have surely put that banal justification to rest  (Million Quotes) Traveling did a great deal to me. I found that when I travel and just sit in the corner and watch, a million ideas come to me  (Million Quotes) As always, a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick’s life  (Million Quotes) No second chances in the land of a thousand dances, the valley of ten million insanities  (Million Quotes) I took the pieces you threw away, put them together by night and day. Washed by the rain. Dried by the sun. A million pieces all in one  (Million Quotes) I was your typical struggling actress. I went to every audition, took a million acting, dancing and singing lessons and spent years wondering where my next meal was coming from  (Million Quotes) Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it in the same way twice  (Million Quotes) Today the two hundred million men in our country are entering into a civilized new world... but we, the two hundred million women, are still kept down in the dungeon  (Million Quotes) Women spend 80 cents of every dollar in the marketplace. We could be the most powerful force for economic and environmental change in the 21st century if we focused our money where it could make the biggest difference. If a million people did that, it would have a $1 billion impact  (Million Quotes) When one guy sees an invisible man he’s a nut case; ten people see him it’s a cult; ten million people see him it’s a respected religion  (Million Quotes) At the end of the day, you have to make sure you’re at least listening to what your head is telling you, what your heart is telling you. That’s hard to do when there are a million other people shouting as loud as they can  (Million Quotes) Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity. I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?  (Million Quotes)
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