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If I ever uttered one word that I said in ‘Kick - Ass’, I would be grounded for years! I’d be stuck in my room until I was 20! I would never in a million years say that  (Million Quotes) We’ve turned down multi million dollar films, simply because we liked the film better. We have the luxury to do so - we have projects that make the money, and others that we do for love  (Million Quotes) Belize pledges it continued support to the aspirations of the 23 million people of Taiwan to be full participants in all organs and agencies of the international community  (Million Quotes) Land on Mars, a round-trip ticket - half a million dollars. It can be done  (Million Quotes) We print 37 million copies, and we found out about the unfortunate news as we were putting the issue to bed  (Million Quotes) TV gives everyone an image, but radio gives birth to a million images in a million brains  (Million Quotes) We’ve been through about a million different line - ups throughout our career  (Million Quotes) You know how many movies it took Tom Cruise before he was making 5, 6 million dollars? It probably took a billion dollars in box office  (Million Quotes) Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs  (Million Quotes) If you make - not have - $1 million a year, should you not participate in the sense of community of our country? I’m willing to put that on the table  (Million Quotes) In recent years - before the intifada - there were three or four incidents of anti-Semitism a year, and that’s out of 18 million crimes and violations of the law  (Million Quotes) During the first 3 years at Auschwitz, 2 million people died; over the next 2 years - 3 million  (Million Quotes) I mean, don’t forget the Earth’s about five thousand million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?  (Million Quotes) I was the only Black person on the set. It was unusual for me to be in a circumstance in which every move I made was tantamount to representation of 18 million people  (Million Quotes) With everything it has to offer, las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year  (Million Quotes) We are making the fundamental changes. It was like the decent housing target. We said by 2010, we’d have taken a million houses and refurbished them into decent housing  (Million Quotes) I mean, what Fiat had it was not very big, it was something like forty or fifty million dollars, but it’s enough to get revolving credit, to get starting away again, the buying of new machinery  (Million Quotes) In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, a bill opening one half million square miles of territory in the western United States for settlement  (Million Quotes) I didn’t lose. I got second. That’s still winning, “ she said. “How could I be unhappy with second place? there are a million people who would love to be in my position  (Million Quotes) I’m an old-timer in the business from the sense that when you do something that you feel good about there might be another person out there who feels the same way, or a hundred or a couple million  (Million Quotes) When I moved to Seattle, I was hanging out with kids who had done drugs, had sex a million times. I look at them now and realize their childhood was taken away  (Million Quotes) Well, it was kind of an accident, because plastic is not what I meant to invent. I had just sold photograph paper to Eastman Kodak for 1 million dollars  (Million Quotes) No sooner than I did take it seriously, I had million - selling hits and movies with John Wayne  (Million Quotes) The Postal Service delivers mail six days a week to nearly 140 million addresses. Every year this number increases by 2 million  (Million Quotes) I tell people, if you really want me to look that good, why don’t you cough up about $2 million more and hire Alec or Billy? If you want me to do it, this is what you get  (Million Quotes) There is no law that says a man who earned a hundred million dollars in his first half-dozen years on the job has to be a decent human being, but Mike Eisner is that and more  (Million Quotes) But there are 90 million gun owners in the United States. Only 3. 5 million want the insurance and magazines and the various things you get for joining the NRA  (Million Quotes) We should be proud of liberating the 26 million people in Iraq and should remember that this is why it is important to stick it out to it’s successful conclusion  (Million Quotes) Twenty million more have Chronic Kidney Disease, where patients experience a gradual deterioration of kidney function, the end result of which is kidney failure  (Million Quotes) Right now, I’m worth a million dollars, and I owe Uncle Sam a million - and - a - half dollars, and I made a deal with him. I said, ‘Uncle Sam, I’m going to pay you 25 grand a month  (Million Quotes)
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