Mind Freedom Quotes
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Meditation is the only way to freedom from stress as it is a dimension beyond the mind. All the stress and struggle are of the mind (Mind Freedom Quotes)
When you become centered, suddenly there is great freedom because you know you are not the mind and you are not the body (Mind Freedom Quotes)
Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive (Mind Freedom Quotes)
Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer (Mind Freedom Quotes)
I was intelligent enough to make up my own mind. I not only had freedom of choice, I had freedom of expression (Mind Freedom Quotes)
Freedom from mental distraction equals power. Body mind masters eventually come to the realization that this and every moment, on or off the field, is the moment of truth (Mind Freedom Quotes)
The man or country that fights priestcraft and priests is to my mind striking deeper for freedom than can be struck anywhere (Mind Freedom Quotes)
It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men (Mind Freedom Quotes)
I think that freedom is sometimes a state of mind. Sometimes, mind you, but not always (Mind Freedom Quotes)
... how terrible is the pain of the mind and heart when the freedom of mankind is suppressed! (Mind Freedom Quotes)
Yoga is the study of the functioning of the body, the mind and the intellect in the process of attaining freedom (Mind Freedom Quotes)
Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich - for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? (Mind Freedom Quotes)
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