Mindful Living Quotes

Text Quotes
Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing (Mindful Living Quotes)
It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community -a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth (Mindful Living Quotes)
We’re so terrified of death in Western culture that we have to make up a myth of an afterlife. I think there’s something to be said for living your life very mindful of the fact that you’re going to die because I think you carry yourself differently. It doesn’t have to be this big, negative bummer. (Mindful Living Quotes)
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom (Mindful Living Quotes)
The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself (Mindful Living Quotes)
Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside (Mindful Living Quotes)
The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently (Mindful Living Quotes)
Mindfulness practices enhance the connection between our body, our mind and everything else that is around us. Mindful living is the key to understanding our struggles with weight and to empowering us to control our weight (Mindful Living Quotes)