Mindy Kaling Quotes

Text Quotes
I really think guys only need two pairs of shoes. A nice pair of black shoes and a pair of Chuck Taylors (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
If it weren't for my imagination, I would weigh ten thousand pounds. This is because the only way I am able to exercise anymore is through a long and vivid revenge fantasy (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
This book will take you two days to read. Did you even see the cover? It's mostly pink. If you're reading this book every night for months, something is not right (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Even in my revenge fantasy where all I do is exercise, I can still do only twenty five pull ups. Pull ups are tough, no joke (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Later, when you're grown up, you realize you never really get to hang out with your family. You pretty much have only eighteen years to spend with them full time, and that's it (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
It's sort of my go-to stock image of my childhood, actually. I think it has something to do with knowing I'll never be able to go back to that time that makes me cry every time I listen to it (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
You should know I disagree with a lot of traditional advice. For instance, they say the best revenge is living well. I say it's acid in the face - who will love them now? (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Another old saying is that revenge is a dish best served cold. But it feels best served piping hot, straight out of the oven of outrage. My opinion? Take care of revenge right away (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Always wear flats and have your friends sleep over: a step by step how to guide for avoiding getting murdered (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
We never needed best friend gear because I guess with real friends you don't have to make it official. It just is (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Nothing gives you confidence like being a member of a small, weirdly specific, hard to find demographic (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Frisbee people won't let it go. My theory is that this is because there's a huge overlap between people who are good at frisbee and people who do teach for America (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
When I watch roasts, I actually feel physically uncomfortable, like when I see a crow feast on a squirrel that has been hit by a car buy has not stopped moving yet (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
I initially thought you were ugly, but then you walked closer to me and I realized you were pretty (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
That's the one nice thing about being a dork about men: you can sometimes play it off as restrained and classy (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
It'd be great to be so famous that if I murder someone, I will never, ever, ever serve any jail time, even if it's totally obvious to everyone that I did it (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Writing, at its heart, is a solitary pursuit, designed to make people depressoids, drug addicts, misanthropes, and antisocial weirdos (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
It wasn't even one of those stoic pimples that goes quietly when you pop it; this one was cystic and painful and had roots that seemed to extend into my brain (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
A remarkable thing about me is that the time that elapses between a sad thought and a flood of tears is three or four seconds (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
It has come to the point where if I know I'm leaving a house with a man, I can factor in a bathroom visit or a phone call or both, and when I'm done, he'll almost be done tying his shoes (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
When smart people are nice, it's always terrifying, because I know they're taking in everything and thinking all kinds of smart and potentially judgmental things (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Also, chubby people can never truly pull off ethereal the same way skinny people can never be jolly (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
My parents were supportive of my creativity but did not have a lot of patience for whimsy with zero production value. They had stuff to do (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
If I'm at a party where I'm not enjoying myself, I will put some cookies in my jacket pocket and leave without saying goodbye (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Mom was impressed but didn't want me to go overboard, which was impossible, because I was still eating a lot. I just had taken a break from eating like a professional football player (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
I want you to picture me as a cute little anime character that popped out from behind a mushroom or something and landed in Hollywood (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
If you're a kid who was not especially a star in your high school, I recommend going to a college in the middle of nowhere. I got all the attention I could ever have wanted (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
Bren was the kind of best friend I dreamed about having when I was a little kid. I never knew you could have someone in your life who was pretty much on the same page about essentially everything (Mindy Kaling Quotes)
So things were coming together nicely for me to embark on a full fledged depression. One good thing about New York is that most people function daily while in a low grade depression (Mindy Kaling Quotes)