Minister Quotes
Text Quotes
Stephen Harper, who’s the prime minister of Canada, he is saying that this - we have to give him a majority government, otherwise there will be a Separatist coalition. And he says it every minute (Minister Quotes)
What do you do if you are asked to do a job, first by the Prime Minister, and then by the King? How can you refuse? (Minister Quotes)
Every cabinet minister gets a mission statement from the Prime Minister (Minister Quotes)
If your only objective is to be popular, you’re going to be popular but you will be known as the Prime Minister who achieved nothing (Minister Quotes)
It’s my responsibility, and entirely my fault, of course I regret it. It’s the kind of locker - room conversation we all use, but as prime minister I shouldn’t have used it (Minister Quotes)
You cannot name a Canadian prime minister who has done as many significant things as I did, because there are none (Minister Quotes)
I worked with a group of people who argued day and night - professors, officials, the Minister of Finance - but there were decisions that I had to make (Minister Quotes)
Do not suffer any man to baptize or minister unto you, unless God has spoken unto him by the voice of his servants, and authorized him to minister in his name (Minister Quotes)
I am not a newcomer, you know, so I want to be judged for what I did when I was prime minister last time in Italy and president of the European Commission for more than five years (Minister Quotes)
The Prime Minister has an absolute genius for putting flamboyant labels on empty luggage (Minister Quotes)
I have never tried to fiddle my role as leader of the city of Sheffield, as an MP or as a minister (Minister Quotes)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanahu made it real clear. They’re willing to be generous on some other concessions but not on the border issue. And I don’t blame him (Minister Quotes)
I’d be prouder still to say I was Canada’s 10th woman prime minister (Minister Quotes)
On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government (Minister Quotes)
Our first Prime Minister saw a country that would be known for its generosity of spirit. And so it is (Minister Quotes)
If the prime minister really believes it, he must be the only person left who thinks that the recent bombs in London had no connection at all with his policy in Iraq (Minister Quotes)
Of course I’d have loved to be Prime Minister. But I’m not nursing a grievance (Minister Quotes)
A wartime Minister of Information is compelled, in the national interest, to such continuous acts of duplicity that even his natural hair must grow to resemble a wig (Minister Quotes)
Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana is a reflection of how rich India’s poor are at heart. Without any obligation to put any money in the 0 balance accounts, they didn’t open an empty account (Minister Quotes)
I am happy to debate the past with the Prime Minister... I have a big dossier on his past, and I did not even have to sex it up (Minister Quotes)
As a minister, I would rather be criticized for thoroughly weighing the options, and sometimes even voicing my doubts, than to be reproached for recklessly sending German soldiers into combat (Minister Quotes)
We have put the Cold War behind us. We no longer count our divisions and our warheads. And I am Russia’s first civilian defense minister in many centuries. We have become more pragmatic (Minister Quotes)
Jesus was a doer, and not only a talker. He led the way by example. He showed us how to live and minister to others (Minister Quotes)
I would say to today’s young minister, ‘Be not afraid to give much time to solitary walks and meditation’ (Minister Quotes)
An old minister explained the smudges on his sermon outlines by saying they were caused by sweat and tears. And without those two marks, a sermon is not a sermon (Minister Quotes)
I cannot for the life of me understand what the Minister Of Transport does every day. He goes to the office at 9am and leaves at 5pm and the traffic in London is still horrendous (Minister Quotes)
I knew that I had to be a preacher. I had to be a minister, which was a puzzle to me because my dad was a businessman. It was a family company and I assumed that I would take it on from him (Minister Quotes)
It is quite clear that history will record that Margaret Thatcher was the greatest Prime Minister this country has had since Churchill (Minister Quotes)
If Margaret Thatcher had been Prime Minister at the time, there would have been no Treaty of Maastricht (Minister Quotes)
Some people find it difficult to argue with a woman Prime Minister and shrivel up (Minister Quotes)