Minority Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe we are being dishonest with language minority groups if we tell them they can take full part in American life without learning the English language. (Minority Quotes)
Sanity is not statistical - Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad (Minority Quotes)
Being from a minority culture, I realised the importance of looking at non-Western cultures in a positive way. (Minority Quotes)
You can only rule over a subject race, especially when you are in a small minority, if you honestly believe yourself to be racially superior, and it helps towards this if you can believe that the subject race is biologically different. (Minority Quotes)
As an Anglo-Indian kid in Bolton, I was basically in a minority of one. That was a source of misery, but at the same time, one of the effects of receiving the message that you don’t belong to the club is that you watch the club with detachment. The fact that no one quite knew who I was was a major contributory factor in starting to write. (Minority Quotes)
Don’t let anyone call you a minority if you’re black or Hispanic or belong to some other ethnic group. You’re not less than anybody else. (Minority Quotes)
Even though people involved in racing think that it has a big sporting stage, it is a minority sport compared to some of the other high-profile events: football, Formula One or golf. (Minority Quotes)
For decades, Saddam and his Sunni minority had imposed their will on Iraq, carrying on a 14-century tradition of Sunnis controlling Mesopotamia despite a Shiite majority. (Minority Quotes)
Demographically speaking, young white people are not in the majority in this country; they’re in the minority. My question is, if they’re not the majority anymore, then what happens? How do things change? Or do they change at all? (Minority Quotes)
In 1999, I was in St. Louis with Martin Luther King III as we led protests against the state’s failure to hire minority contractors for highway construction projects. We went at dawn on a summer day with over a thousand people and performed acts of civil disobedience. (Minority Quotes)
I know that as a vegan, I’m in a minority. People love their meat. It’s up there with sugar and TV and maybe even coffee on the list of inalienable American rights. (Minority Quotes)
In this world which is losing faith in so called representative democracy, there are new developments in participatory democracy. These are very interesting developments, reflecting the revitalization of community power with a more and more active presence of minorities in political life, including the presence of women who are of course by no means a minority. (Minority Quotes)
There are people who want the comfort and structure of a job where they’re given tasks and told what to do. I think it’s actually a minority of people. The majority of people don’t want that, but I’d say that the companies I’ve built are full of people with something to prove. (Minority Quotes)
This Constitutional Republic called America is an historic aberration. Any honest student of history will note that the prevailing socio-economic system is feudalism, where a tiny minority control the vast majority of wealth, power, and resources. In doing so, they have absolute control over the 99% of the population. Power equals control. (Minority Quotes)
If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution. (Minority Quotes)
In 1968, the situation at Harvard was not one of which we can be proud. In that year, the proportion of minority persons in salary and wage positions was approximately 3 per cent. Virtually no minority workers were employed on Harvard construction projects. (Minority Quotes)
It’s counterintuitive, but the most divisive arrangement is when the same party controls both Congress and the presidency, a situation encountered in eight of the past 10 years. With government unified under a single party, the minority has the least possible incentive to cooperate with the majority. (Minority Quotes)
An American parliamentary system with proportional representation wouldn’t immediately or inexorably lead to a flourishing social democracy, but it would at least correct the overrepresentation of an ideological minority and cut down on intentional tactical economic sabotage. (Minority Quotes)
Throughout history, when societies face tough economic times, we have seen democratic reforms deferred, decreased trust in government, persecution of minority groups, and a general shrinking of the democratic space. (Minority Quotes)
Feminists have convinced themselves that any difference between men and women is oppression and that women in the United States are an oppressed minority. This is such a lie. American women are the most fortunate class of people who ever lived on the face of the earth. (Minority Quotes)
It’s hard to be a minority. People look at you a different way, like you don’t belong, and I don’t think many people realize just how difficult it is to live as a minority. Where I come from, we learn to tolerate one another. Whether one is of Chinese descent or Malay descent, what matters is we’re part of the same country, the same world. (Minority Quotes)
Steven Spielberg makes Minority Report with the newest digital technology; other directors seem to be trying to make their movies from it. (Minority Quotes)
I think what we are seeing is a vicious circle: by covering the controversies and the conflicting realities, it creates a much distorted perception of Islam and Muslims. When a minority is being taken as a majority, it creates a wrong image. (Minority Quotes)
Racist people are few, in the minority. But you can do nothing to change them. You can talk, you can do what you want, but you can’t do anything because they are just stupid people. (Minority Quotes)
Even in cases where most people are doing the right thing, talking about the minority who are doing the wrong thing can encourage people to give in to temptation. (Minority Quotes)
Women are the majority of immigrants yet the minority of immigrant employment visas; immigrant and native born women who work in the service arena - such as domestic workers - are not valued for their work, making pennies on the dollar compared to male counterparts; and, women are disproportionately affected by family reunification policies. (Minority Quotes)
FreedomWorks, which is funded primarily by very rich people, solicits donations from non-rich conservative people. More than 80,000 people donated money to FreedomWorks in 2012, and it seems likely that only a small minority of those people were hedge fund millionaires. (Minority Quotes)
If you were a real fascistic society and you had a vocal minority that was shouting, Stop this, stop that, stop the other thing, what you would say is, Let’s give them all the drugs they want. In a lot of states, something very much like that happened. They lowered the drinking age to eighteen and said, Get juiced. (Minority Quotes)
The silence of those in positions of influence in the church who know, or have a strong suspicion, that being gay is a nonpathological minority variant in the human condition drives me crazy, far crazier than I am driven by any loud-mouthed purveyor of hateful nonsense. (Minority Quotes)
...a vocal minority of scientists so mistrusts the models and the complex fragmentary data, that some claim that global warming is a hoax. They have made public statements accusing other scientists of deliberate fraud in aid of their research funding. Both sides are now hurling personal epithets at each other, a very bad development in Earth sciences. (Minority Quotes)