Minute Quotes

Text Quotes
The pilots I worked with in the aerospace industry were willing to put on almost anything to keep them safe in case of a crash, but regular people in cars don’t want to be uncomfortable even for a minute (Minute Quotes)
Desire may be compared to a minute seed. It is like a big banyan tree growing out of a seed, which is no bigger than a dot (Minute Quotes)
The minute you take away somebody the public’s voting for, you’re screwing with the program. There’s no logic to it (Minute Quotes)
The rattling thunderbolt hath but his clap, the lightning but his flash, and as they both come in a moment, so do they both end in a minute (Minute Quotes)
You can prove almost anything with the evidence of a small enough segment of time. How often, in any search for truth, the answer of the minute is positive, the answer of the hour qualified, the answers of the year contradictory! (Minute Quotes)
The minute I think I’m getting mellow, I’m retiring. Who ever heard of a mellow winner? (Minute Quotes)
However gradual the course of history, there must always be the day, even an hour and minute, when some significant action is performed for the first or last time (Minute Quotes)
Etiquette is the ceremonial code of polite life, more voluminous and minute in each portion of society according to its rank (Minute Quotes)
Life is made up of desires that seem big and vital one minute, and little and absurd the next. I guess we get what’s best for us in the end (Minute Quotes)
I’ve always been aware that the image you patiently construct for an entire career can be ruined in a minute. It scares you a bit, but that’s the way things are (Minute Quotes)
Once I’d reached the point where I could squirrel away more than 30 digits a minute in memory palaces, I still only sporadically used the techniques to memorize the phone numbers of people I actually wanted to call. I found it was just too simple to punch them into my cell phone (Minute Quotes)
A lot of people who claim they’re political comedians are just comedians who have opinions. But they stop being funny the minute they give their opinions (Minute Quotes)
It takes a minute for me to let my guard down, but once I do and I get to know someone, I’m very open, very trusting. Some might say too trusting, because considering the amount of money that can be made from selling gossip, I could be very easily taken advantage of (Minute Quotes)
I’ve enjoyed every minute of travelling and playing for my country. What an honour that is (Minute Quotes)
The minute I get a big head and start acting like the big man on campus, it’s all downhill from there (Minute Quotes)
I enjoy every minute, because there are going to be a lot of moments in your future that you’re going to wish you held onto longer (Minute Quotes)
The minute you start compromising for the sake of massaging somebody’s ego, that’s it, game over (Minute Quotes)
My indifference to money and my spendthrift ways are disgraceful. You have no idea how reckless I am; how often I practically throw money out of the window. I am always making good resolutions, but the next minute I forget and give the waiter eightpence (Minute Quotes)
You hang around actors, or dancers, the minute you sneeze, everybody has a remedy, and we’re all on a million different kinds of diets, and different kinds of things that we do for exercise (Minute Quotes)
It takes stamina to get up like an athlete every single night, seven to eight performances a week, 20 weeks in a row. And there are many young performers who only learn their craft in the two minute bits it takes to film a scene. You never learn the arc of storytelling, the arc of a character that way (Minute Quotes)
My whole career, I’ve had an issue with always kind of being an underdog and making a big mistake when it counts and falling and having to climb back up. One moment everything will be peachy and everyone will be saying the nicest things about me and loving me, and the next minute I’m the worst, I’m evil, all these things. It’s like a fallen angel (Minute Quotes)
While I was an honorable man in her eyes, she did not love me. But the minute she understood what I was, when she breathed the true and foul odor of my soul, love was born in her – for she does love me! Well, well! There is nothing real, then, except evil (Minute Quotes)
You stayed around your children as long as you could, inhaling the ambient gold shavings of their childhood, and at the last minute you tried to see them off into life and hoped that the little piece of time you’d given them was enough to prevent them from one day feeling lonely and afraid and hopeless. You wouldn’t know the outcome for a long time (Minute Quotes)
Let me be something every minute of every hour of my life... And when I sleep, let me dream all the time so that not one little piece of living is ever lost (Minute Quotes)
If I could, I would stop the passage of time. But hour follows on hour, minute on minute, each second robbing me of a morsel of myself for the nothing of tomorrow. I shall never experience this moment again (Minute Quotes)
I found power in accepting the truth of who I am. It may not be a truth that others can accept, but I cannot live any other way. How would it be to live a lie every minute of your life (Minute Quotes)
I’d like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. I’d like to be the help that you’ve been always glad to be; I’d like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way (Minute Quotes)
The things that don’t happen to us that we’ll never know didn’t happen to us. The nonstories. The extra minute to find the briefcase that makes you late to the spot where a tractor trailer mauled another car instead of yours. The woman you didn’t meet because she couldn’t get a taxi to the party you had to leave early from. All of life is a series of nonstories if you look at it that way. We just don’t know what they are (Minute Quotes)
This boy has negative charisma. He walks into a room and the oxygen starts to evaporate. I guess that’s why girls sleep with him. They find his awfulness transfixing. He’s like a lousy 1970’s disaster movie that they can’t bring themselves to turn off, even though it is making their life worse every minute they leave it on (Minute Quotes)
If it had been any different, if I had been born just one minute later, or been in the wrong pace at the right time or vice versa, the life that I’ve lived and come to love would not exist. And that is a situation that I would not want to consider in the slightest (Minute Quotes)