Minute Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is short and unpredictable. Don’t waste another minute on the people, places and things that don’t make you happy (Minute Quotes)
One minute I was a clapped-out, two-guinea, legal-aid lawyer, and the next minute I was in parliament (Minute Quotes)
You don’t have to be tough every minute of the day, it is okay to let down your guard and let someone help for a change (Minute Quotes)
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of happiness (Minute Quotes)
Caring was the only thing I ever did when we were friends. The minute you turned your back is the minute I realized I deserved better (Minute Quotes)
Life is going by. You don’t have time to waste another minute being negative, offended or bitter (Minute Quotes)
Be positive everyday, every hour, every minute, every second cause if you missed a part of your life just because of your negativity, everything may fall apart (Minute Quotes)
I’m concerned and alarmed about the images of girls and women that are broadcast every single minute (Minute Quotes)
We don’t have forever, we don’t even have tomorrow promised or the next minute. So, say what you have to say before it’s too late (Minute Quotes)
Sorry I had to cancel last minute but it took me forever to think of an excuse I hadn’t used before (Minute Quotes)
Dear God, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you. But simply to say thank you, for all I have (Minute Quotes)
Libra can be silly, hyper and active one minute then serious, calm and relaxed the next (Minute Quotes)
Its funny how things change my mood so quickly, one minute I’m happy and in a good mood, next thing you know I’m depressed or pissed off (Minute Quotes)
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get less than what you settled for (Minute Quotes)
The minute you think you’re going to lose something, it suddenly becomes the most important thing in your life (Minute Quotes)
The minute a thing is long and complicated, it confuses. Whoever wrote the Ten Commandments made ‘em short. They may not always be kept, but they are understood (Minute Quotes)
Every minute spent worrying about ‘the way things were’ is a moment stolen from creating ‘the way things can be’ (Minute Quotes)
New Yorkers have this special spot in Central Park, where they do this 5K run, the minute the clock strikes twelve. I ran once, and I’ll never do that again, either. But, it’s awesome to watch those people run. It’s such a great environment and place to be (Minute Quotes)
The practice sessions of aspiring champions have a specific and never-changing purpose: Progress. Every second of every minute of every hour, the goal is to extend one’s mind and body, to push oneself beyond the outer limits of one’s capacities, to engage so deeply in the task that one leaves the training session, literally, a changed person (Minute Quotes)
If you try to get 1% better each day at your health, at your relationships and the way you treat people, at your creativity, and at turning despair into gratitude, then that 1% compounds into an amazing person. Do that 1%. Take one action. Even if the actions is for one minute. The 1/1/1 strategy (Minute Quotes)
We’re learning more about Osama bin Laden. His father was married 16 times, and he has five wives. I think we’re getting to the root of his intense anger. And they say bin Laden never spends the night in the same place twice. No, wait a minute, that’s Clinton (Minute Quotes)
I can’t make wine simple. But I can make it fun and beautiful, instead of esoteric and intimidating. The minute you realize it’s OK to stumble along like the rest of us, asking questions and paying attention to your own reactions, then you’ll begin what I hope will be a lifelong love affair with wine (Minute Quotes)
When I was four years old, some friends of my family took me to see Fantasia and I was totally blown away. From that minute on I wanted to be an animator (Minute Quotes)
I’m still learning who I am. One minute I have black hair, the next it’s red. One day I’m wearing Converse sneakers, and the next I’m in the hippie look (Minute Quotes)
What I find really difficult is making career decisions. Normally it will take me two weeks, until the very last minute and I have to say yes or no. For a couple of weeks, I will tune everyone out who is giving me advice, so that I can make a clear decision on my own and it takes time (Minute Quotes)
The earliest memories I have from my childhood are of my mum getting ready to go on stage. I must have been about five and I would watch her vomiting backstage on opening night, and then the next minute she became Isabella, the Queen of Spain. At the time I remember thinking, ‘What kind of schizophrenic job is this?’ Now it all makes sense (Minute Quotes)
It’s often hard for us to imagine going without some of our luxuries like travel, dining out, or Internet, much less our basic necessities like food and water. But try for a minute to imagine how life would be with such deprivations (Minute Quotes)
A chunk of seared albacore tuna, salted and peppered, then seared rare in a little oil in a hot skillet for just a minute or so per side, is the perfect addition to a savory plate of fried rice. Just slice the tuna across the grain and fan those mild, meaty slices over the top of the rice (Minute Quotes)
A friend told me about a Nike competition, where they give you one minute to do tricks with a basketball. I wasn’t going to go, but they were giving away free sneakers. I ended up coming in second place (Minute Quotes)
I was among the people in the Superdome. I knew what was going on every minute. I did not have air conditioning nor shower facilities. I made decisions based upon facts and not what I thought was going to happen. So history will judge me based upon those actions (Minute Quotes)