Minute Quotes

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I was fascinated with the writing process and seeing the evolution of a sketch and how it would change up to the minute before it went on the air. (Minute Quotes)
Live TV has an amazing pace to it. You’ve got to be able to think quick, make changes last minute, and be funny and fast. (Minute Quotes)
I wouldn’t change myself, even if I could. I like myself. And the minute you’re not true to yourself, you’re in trouble. (Minute Quotes)
Entertainment Tonight’ would send me out to do interviews with musicians like Sting and Coldplay, and I was able to watch how they plan their shows. The late Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead always had a game plan, but he also was flexible if he had to change something at the last minute. (Minute Quotes)
You have to believe 100 percent in what you’re doing, that some picture or some thing we do is going to change the world in some tiny, minute way. (Minute Quotes)
I always laugh because I used to think the week before anyone saw me on Charlie’s Angels, nobody cared what I ate, how I exercised, what clothes I wore. Nobody was interested and the minute I was on Charlie’s Angels everything I said was interesting. (Minute Quotes)
As a viewer, the minute I start getting confused, I check out of the movie. Emotionally, I’m severed. (Minute Quotes)
Every single minute matters, every single child matters, every single childhood matters (Minute Quotes)
Part of my evolution has been to learn how painful most people’s childhoods are. They grow up not liking themselves, not loving themselves. Ask people if they were lovable the minute they were born, and watch them sit back and have to think about it. One lady said, ‘I suppose so.’ That’s painful. (Minute Quotes)
I don’t think I’m yet peaceful because I have to struggle every day within myself when I see the suffering of the people of the world, the women and the children. And fury sets in. But I have to transform that and take it out and do something positive with it - but I have to do that sometimes minute to minute. (Minute Quotes)
One of the peculiar children’s perspective out of time allows him to take minute interest in every resident of the town and to chronicle everything we did for the entire day he lives over and over. (Minute Quotes)
I swear, sometimes it feels like there’s this monkey in my head who runs around turning the dials and changing channels on me. One minute I’m sitting around eating chocolate chip cookies and then all of a sudden I’m thinking about bears. (Minute Quotes)
One’s character is set at an early age, son. The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life. He was quiet for a minute then dropped the curtain and said, I hate to see you swim out so far you can’t swim back. (Minute Quotes)
Our relationship felt like a Christmas gift that you hadn’t asked for and weren’t expecting to receive, but the minute you saw it, you knew it was perfect for you. (Minute Quotes)
My mother was an unbeliever - and still is. My father was a nominal Catholic. We would go in to church at the last minute before the gospel reading, take Communion, and walk right out again. (Minute Quotes)
Whitney Houston rear-ended a city bus with her sports car, but no one was hurt. She said she didn’t know what happened. One minute she was concentrating on the big white line, and the next, boom! (Minute Quotes)
Andres Segovia, the great name for guitar, he put classical guitar on the map. He was the proponent of it, the best in the world. So I was listening to a record that he had made, and a little bauble happened in the middle of the record. A finger slipped, and I said, ‘Wait a minute. He’s not allowed to make mistakes,’ - my mind. (Minute Quotes)
She lost much of her appetite. At night, an invisible hand kept shaking her awake every few hours. Grief was physiological, a disturbance of the blood. Sometimes a whole minute would pass in nameless dread - the bedside clock ticking, the blue moonlight coating the window like glue - before she`d remember the brutal fact that had caused it. (Minute Quotes)
It is hard to be an actor on a TV show, because you don’t know what’s coming and you sort of find out very last minute sort of what’s happening. (Minute Quotes)
Competition makes things come out right. Well, what does that mean in health care? More hospitals so they compete with each other. More doctors compete with each other. More pharmaceutical companies. We set up war. Wait a minute, let’s talk about the patient. The patient doesn’t need a war. (Minute Quotes)
Early on, in discussions of financial oversight, people would say, ‘Well, this is a very complicated problem, therefore it requires a complicated solution.’ And at that step, I would say, ‘Well, wait a minute. Just because it’s a complicated problem doesn’t mean the best course of action immediately is one that’s complicated.’ (Minute Quotes)
We sit in silence for a minute. Thinking about the freedom we don’t have and the future we can’t control. (Minute Quotes)
Just a minute, Cosmic Ordering can give you a whole lot more ... a whole lifetime of more. (Minute Quotes)
My position is the lack of a position, but, of course, you can’t even talk about it; the minute you talk, you spoil the whole game. (Minute Quotes)
1 Minute Wisdom: Rethink Your Success Mindset because...Whatever you create in your imagination and dreams, will require the right mindset to manifest in reality. (Minute Quotes)
Creative output, you know, is just pain. I’m going to be cliche for a minute and say that great art comes from pain. (Minute Quotes)
Creative output, you know, is just pain. I’m going to be cliché for a minute and say that great art comes from pain. (Minute Quotes)
The minute a Wall Street firm purchases your debt, your bank no longer has it on its financial statement, which then allows the bank to look for more credit card customers. That’s one reason why you get so many credit card offers. (Minute Quotes)
Playing a concert for 2 hours is pie. I would do that every minute of every day if I could. I love to perform. It’s the 22 hours before the next show that kills you. (Minute Quotes)
Everybody feels good in their skin for about a minute a day, and the rest of the day, you’re just trying to navigate your way through the sea of terror. (Minute Quotes)