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Minutes Quotes

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Our motto is just to play the whole 48 minutes. We are here to play it from start to finish. Things will go up and down. We will make runs and they will make runs. But we just keep playing  (Minutes Quotes) When you’re paid to do a job, it’s better to give a few minutes more to it, than a few minutes less. That’s one of the differences between doing a job honestly and doing it dishonestly! See?  (Minutes Quotes) When I go to the cinema, I’m often frustrated because I can guess exactly what is going to happen about ten minutes into the screening. So, when I’m working on a subject, I’m always looking for the element of surprise  (Minutes Quotes) The minutes ticked past. This is why peelers need a book. A wee paperback to stick in your pocket  (Minutes Quotes) You should do it against the clock. Say you are going to do 30 laps in 15 minutes. Then you try to do it each day a little faster. That is putting demands on the body, and that is how you build up. You keep up your energy instead of going downhill  (Minutes Quotes) I can’t edit the materials I work with. My remit is to work with nature as a whole. I find nature as a whole disturbing. Nature can be harsh – difficult and brutal, as well as beautiful. You couldn’t walk five minutes from here without coming across something that is dead or decaying  (Minutes Quotes) Yoga is a big part of my destressing. Even sitting on the floor for 10 minutes to center myself, stretch and relax can be a huge game changer  (Minutes Quotes) The best therapy for emotional blocks to math is the realization that the human race took centuries or millennia to see through the mist of difficulties and paradoxes which instructors now invite us to solve in a few minutes  (Minutes Quotes) With eight minutes left, the game could be won in the next five or ten minutes  (Minutes Quotes) It’s about feeling alive in the moment because your adrenaline is going, your thinking about that present moment, you’re not somewhere else, you’re not thinking about what’s going to happen 10 minutes from now, and that’s the reason why I love fighting, it’s when I’m in there. I feel free, I feel like there’s no other place I want t be. I can’t even think of anything beyond that second. That’s why I’m drawn to the fight, because I love the presence of it, where it brings me mentally, it’s the purest thing for me  (Minutes Quotes) Although we strap time to our wrists, stuff it into our pockets, hang it on our walls, a perpetually moving picture for every room of the house, it can still run away, elude and evade, and show itself again only when there are minutes remaining and there is nothing left to do except wait till there are none  (Minutes Quotes) A fool will study for twenty or thirty years and learn how to do something, but a wise man will study for twenty or thirty minutes and become an expert. In this world, it isn’t ability that counts, but authority  (Minutes Quotes) The last hour from midnight had lost half its quarters, and the stars went lifting up the great minutes  (Minutes Quotes) You don’t wait 30 minutes before a game to tell a guy he’s traded  (Minutes Quotes) I’m not afraid to live. I’m not afraid to fail. I’m not afraid to succeed. I’m not afraid to fall in love. I’m not afraid to be alone. I’m just afraid I might have to stop talking about myself for five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) I’ve been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it for another twenty five minutes. I’m not proud... or tired  (Minutes Quotes) The job of the average manager requires a shift in focus every few minutes. The job of the average software developer requires that the developer not shift focus more often than every few hours  (Minutes Quotes) Most people can tire of a lecture in fifteen minutes, clever people can do it in five, and sensible people don’t go to lectures at all  (Minutes Quotes) It can be exalting to belong to a church that is five hundred years behind the times and sublimely indifferent to fashion; it is mortifying to belong to a church that is five minutes behind the times, huffing and puffing to catch up  (Minutes Quotes) You live more for 5 minutes going fast on a bike than other people do in all of their life  (Minutes Quotes) Perhaps it would be a good idea, fantastic as it sounds, to muffle every telephone, halt every motor, and stop all activity someday to give people a chance to ponder a few minutes on what it is all about, why they are living, and what they really want  (Minutes Quotes) I think that always myself is my worst opponent. I always playing against myself first and then to the other one. So I’m playing against two guys during the match... It’s like mentally I don’t know what is gonna happen in the next ten minutes. Maybe I get depressed in ten minutes. I don’t know myself too much... Yeah, I was working with a psychology, and I still  (Minutes Quotes) A neighbor will stand at your door talking for 20 minutes because she doesn’t have time to come in  (Minutes Quotes) To remove product buildup from your hair, mix a tablespoon of vinegar in your hand with your favorite shampoo and rub through your hair. Concentrate on applying from the ends up and leave in for three to five minutes for beautifully clean hair with amazing shine!  (Minutes Quotes) Zen is really just a reminder to stay alive and to be awake. We tend to daydream all the time, speculating about the future and dwelling on the past. Zen practice is about appreciating your life in this moment. If you are truly aware of five minutes a day, then you are doing pretty well. We are beset by both the future and the past, and there is no reality apart from the here and now  (Minutes Quotes) You’ve got 3 minutes to tell the world something. Are you going to talk to them about being wasted in your front yard because you couldn’t park your car, or are you going to talk to someone about something that could actually help them?  (Minutes Quotes) You learned that if you’re tired enough, you can sleep sitting up. That the unendurable is perfectly endurable if you just take it a minute at a time, and when the alternative is no more minutes ever  (Minutes Quotes) Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes; once gone is gone for good  (Minutes Quotes) You can sit there, tense and worried, freezing the creative energies, or you can start writing something. It doesn’t matter what. In five or ten minutes, the imagination will heat, the tightness will fade, and a certain spirit and rhythm will take over  (Minutes Quotes) You live more in five minutes on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime  (Minutes Quotes)
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