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Minutes Quotes

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Life sometimes gets so bogged down in the details, you forget you are living it. There is always another appointment to be met, another bill to pay, another symptom presenting, another uneventful day to be notched onto the wooden wall. We have synchronized our watches, studied our calendars, existed in minutes, and completely forgotten to step back and see what we’ve accomplished  (Minutes Quotes) I wrapped my arms around my knees and stared through the window’s wavy glass. The red velvet curtains were drawn around the tiny alcove, and I was enveloped by an odd sense of peace, knowing that in twenty minutes, the halls were going to be crowded; music was going to be blaring; and I was going to go from being an only child to one of a hundred sisters, so I knew to savor the silence while it lasted  (Minutes Quotes) For a few minutes we kiss, deep in the chasm, with the roar of water all around us. And we rise, hand in hand, I realize that if we had both chosen differently, we might have ended up doing the same thing, in a safer place, in gray clothes instead of black ones  (Minutes Quotes) Would a minute have mattered? No, probably not, although his young son appeared to have a very accurate internal clock. Possibly even 2 minutes would be okay. Three minutes, even. You could go to five minutes, perhaps. But that was just it. If you could go for five minutes, then you’d go to ten, then half an hour, a couple of hours... and not see your son all evening. So that was that. Six o’clock, prompt. Every day  (Minutes Quotes) When we meet someone and fall in love, we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. And yet if something goes wrong, there is nothing left! How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes before to vanish so quickly? Life moves very fast. It rushes from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds  (Minutes Quotes) He was worried she would not let him love her with the stain. He had already decided long ago, twenty or thirty minutes ago, that the stain was fine. He had only seen it for a moment, but he was already used to it. It was good. It somehow allowed them to have more  (Minutes Quotes) I got the sense that he was the kind of person who couldn’t hold anger for more than a few minutes, because it just wasn’t in him. It could never grow into resentment or bitterness, and I knew then that he was the kind of man who would be married forever. And I decided then and there that I should be the one to marry him  (Minutes Quotes) Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there  (Minutes Quotes) There were times when the fact of impending death seemed as palpable as the bed they lay on, and they would cling together with a sort of despairing sensuality, like a damned soul grasping at his last morsel of pleasure when the clock is within five minutes of striking. But there were also times when they had the illusion not only of safety but of permanence  (Minutes Quotes) When I get home, I sit on the front step and take deep breaths of the cool spring air for a few minutes. My mother was the one who taught me to steal moments like those, moments of freedom, though she didn’t now it. I watched her... But I learned something else from watching her too, which is that the free moments always have to end  (Minutes Quotes) It only take a few minutes of meditation to directly realize we are a river of sensations, feelings, thoughts, perceptions. How can we navigate this evanescent river of life wisely? With mindful awareness and love it becomes clear. You can fight against the river of change, or use its wisdom to teach you how to graciously move and create and flow with the full measure of joy and sorrow, gain and loss, praise and blame that make up every human incarnation  (Minutes Quotes) The mystique and the romance of a big wedding are lost on me. I don’t think that I could ever do something that extravagant. I am not much of a planner. I would probably make the phone call 20 minutes before the bus leaves for the chapel and ask if anyone is available to come. That’s probably how my wedding is going to end up  (Minutes Quotes) To some people, not caring is supposed to be cool, commenting is more interesting than doing, and everything is judged and then disposed of in, like, five minutes. I’m not interested in those kinds of people. I like the person who commits and goes all in and takes big swings and then maybe fails or looks stupid; who jumps and falls down, rather than the person who points at the person who fell, and laughs. But I do sometimes laugh when people fall down  (Minutes Quotes) Ask yourself what problem you have right now. Not next year, tomorrow or five minutes from now. You can always cope with the now, but you can never cope with the future. Nor do you have to. The answer, the strength and the right action will be there when you need it. Not before or after  (Minutes Quotes) You have to pack as much as you can in an hour or 70 minutes. This time around it was 15 songs, so it was a challenge to get them all the right length so you could get them all on  (Minutes Quotes) I keep these songs in my head until I get behind the microphone. I never spend more than 30 or 40 minutes singing the vocal or it will sound mechanical. There are always mistakes, but it’s about feeling more than being perfect  (Minutes Quotes) I played trombone for 10 minutes, and then I was in an accordion band in school for even less  (Minutes Quotes) You could do a scene that takes 15 hours, but in the movie, it’s only 10 minutes. The scene where they put the sauce poisoning in; it took eight hours  (Minutes Quotes) I just don’t talk about who I’m going out with, that’s it. It’s an odd thing to sit around describing yourself to 10 different people every 5 minutes yet it’s kind of therapeutic in a way  (Minutes Quotes) At intervals between the songs, more especially after the trances have begun, the dancers unclasp hands and sit down to smoke or talk for a few minutes  (Minutes Quotes) I pretty much live about 10 minutes from my office. I have two kids, and I have about 8 projects that I’m working on, so I basically just get up and go to work, and go home every night and play with my kids, so I don’t really know  (Minutes Quotes) If I can tell you the story from beginning to end in five minutes, I’m ready to start writing. Then it’s a constant spreading out of that five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) It’s great to be able to get up there now and do an hour or 75 minutes of songs they’re familiar with  (Minutes Quotes) There were scenes that just for length purposes, and knowing that the attention span of kids is not great, don’t make it much longer than about 90 minutes  (Minutes Quotes) When I first came down stairs, for two or three minutes I went down cellar to the water closet  (Minutes Quotes) I don’t care whether a role is 10 minutes long or two hours. and I don’t care whether my name is up there on top, either. Matter of fact, I’d rather have someone else get top billing; then if the picture bombs, he gets the blame, not me  (Minutes Quotes) I guess it comes back to the old motto, you have you’re fifteen minutes a fame  (Minutes Quotes) So we were doing this scene, and the kids get 20 minutes a day, um, so, all I had to do was pick him up out of the incubator and take him out, and that was the whole shot  (Minutes Quotes) This movie will actually increase the sex life of parents everywhere because they can put this on, with the 45 minutes of extras and they’ve got almost two hours to do whatever they’ve got to do while the kids watch the movie  (Minutes Quotes) I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves  (Minutes Quotes)
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