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Things are going very smoothly. As expected, there are some minor glitches, and the eight minutes that it took us to get to orbit, we trained months and months for, and didn’t have to use any of that preparation, other than being aware and ready  (Minutes Quotes) The interval allowed was only five minutes, at the end of which I resumed the lecture; but so refreshing was the effects of the brief rest and, above all, the admission of pure air, that during the second hour the attention was as completely sustained as during the first  (Minutes Quotes) A rule to live by: I won’t use anything I can’t explain in five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) Obviously, I don’t want to be in the box for over a hundred minutes during the season, but at the same time I have to try to play with an edge and battle out there  (Minutes Quotes) That’s the show. It’s like 5 minutes of science and then 10 minutes of me hurting myself  (Minutes Quotes) If I had to name one thing that probably causes more conflict within the band, it’s probably the fact that I’m the girl, and it takes much longer with hair and makeup and wardrobe. But they’ve gotten used to it. It’s one of those things I think they realize that when they say she’ll be ready in 10 minutes, it normally means 15 or 20  (Minutes Quotes) The rocket had worked perfectly, and all I had to do was survive the reentry forces. You do it all, in a flight like that, in a rather short period of time, just 16 minutes as a matter of fact  (Minutes Quotes) Five minutes before I went on, I looked at my manager and said, I’m going to get booed. I know it’s going to happen. and you’re responsible because you put me on here. It was horrible. I’ve never been more hurt in my entire life  (Minutes Quotes) They were keen for me still to play the piano, which I was going to, but 45 minutes of piano would be extremely boring. I like a bit of light and shade  (Minutes Quotes) I don’t know if you could take a whole 90 minutes and say that was the best game we ever played  (Minutes Quotes) In the back of my mind was the constant hankering, almost yearning, to write but something always stopped me in my tracks. Or if I did find my way to put a pen to paper or finger on a keyboard I’d give up after a few minutes. I’d find other things to do: Anything but writing  (Minutes Quotes) You open the show with a bang, then don’t come back on for 45 minutes  (Minutes Quotes) I don’t particularly like babies. I don’t mind them for about four minutes. That’s my max. After that I can’t quite see what everyone’s fussing about  (Minutes Quotes) You want to play in every game, and you especially don’t want to be in the penalty box for five minutes and give the other team a chance to get a power play, and you don’t want to hurt anyone on the other team  (Minutes Quotes) Last, in restaurants you spend a lot of time dealing with people who are very unhappy. Soup has been spilled on their laps, they’ve waited 10 minutes to get their check so they can leave, and you learn how to listen, I think, in a much more proactive way than government does  (Minutes Quotes) Well this is aptly called a junket, for both of us. I have never been to a house of prostitution, but I understand that you get in more than seven minutes  (Minutes Quotes) It’s rare that scenes last more than 2 or 3 minutes, so sound helps segue from one scene to another  (Minutes Quotes) I’ve always said it took me 20 years to find out how to write a song in 20 minutes  (Minutes Quotes) Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes a day. Wisdom consists of not exceeding the limit  (Minutes Quotes) It doesn’t matter what you do for 45 minutes, it’s what you do the last three minutes  (Minutes Quotes) How can I tell the eighth or ninth man on the team that I want you to work hard every day and I want you to improve and get better, but while you’re doing that you’re not going to get any minutes?  (Minutes Quotes) I could not move or speak for several minutes, frozen in the belief that the book itself had changed and was now writing me  (Minutes Quotes) The hours came to minutes, the minutes to seconds. And now each second was as long as all the time before  (Minutes Quotes) The trouble with the contemporary generation is that it has not read the minutes of the last meeting  (Minutes Quotes) I realistically eat every hour and 15 minutes. I watch the clock to see when I eat again. I’m almost upset that I’m not eating now  (Minutes Quotes) I take the view, and always have, that if you cannot say what you are going to say in twenty minutes you ought to go away and write a book about it  (Minutes Quotes) Cats do care. For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off  (Minutes Quotes) An hour of basketball feels like 15 minutes. An hour on a treadmill feels like a weekend in traffic school  (Minutes Quotes) The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes  (Minutes Quotes) We shot ten minutes of the movie, and now we’re looking for completion funds  (Minutes Quotes)
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