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If I leave my computer, I’m probably not going to get back for hours. If I take a few minutes to answer questions and go web surfing, then guilt kicks in and I get back to work  (Minutes Quotes) To write it, it took three months; to conceive it three minutes; to collect the data in it all my life  (Minutes Quotes) But above that, most mature adults can hold their attention on something for 45 minutes, whether they like it or not. But above that requires training  (Minutes Quotes) We have the power to do any damn fool thing we want to do, and we seem to do it about every 10 minutes  (Minutes Quotes) I need to take a break from this life as a human for 45 minutes and go experience a little bit of immortality  (Minutes Quotes) It has been left to our generation to discover that you can move heaven and earth to save five minutes and then not have the faintest idea what to do with them when you have saved them  (Minutes Quotes) Careers are defined by four minutes on the ice and lives can change forever, emotionally and financially  (Minutes Quotes) Heck by the time a man scratches his behind, clears his throat, and tells me how smart he is, we’ve already wasted fifteen minutes  (Minutes Quotes) I do yoga, lunges, crunches, things like that for 40 minutes twice a week. For cardio I usually do the elliptical, treadmill or walking  (Minutes Quotes) If I can start my day out by saying my prayers and getting myself focused, then I know I’m doing the right thing. That 10 minutes helps me in every way throughout the day  (Minutes Quotes) Babes, I am so bored here that I don’t think, since I’ve come, I’ve ever been more than three minutes away from some really astonishing act of violence  (Minutes Quotes) In the struggle for existence, it is only on those who hang on for ten minutes after all is hopeless, that hope begins to dawn  (Minutes Quotes) We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise last but a few minutes. But its beauty can burn in our hearts eternally  (Minutes Quotes) I spent the next fifteen minutes convincing a crying werewolf that I wasn’t going to hurt her. My life was getting too strange, even for me  (Minutes Quotes) He shimmered out, and I sat up in bed with that rather unpleasant feeling you get sometimes that you’re going to die in about five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) If I could prove by logic that you would die in five minutes, I should be sorry you were going to die, but my sorrow would be very much mitigated by pleasure in the proof  (Minutes Quotes) Five minutes in an old book quickly reveals that most of what is being sold today as new insights into human behavior is merely the rediscovery of knowledge we have had for centuries  (Minutes Quotes) In this time of national crises... per haps we would do well to spend a few minutes in considering projects which grace and embellish the earth, instead of shaking it  (Minutes Quotes) I was really a charmer; I was the guy who would get to the office, the principal would sit me down and within 10 minutes, we’d be, like, talking about some movies or something  (Minutes Quotes) A man can do a television interview and roll out of bed 15 minutes before; it’s just not the same for a woman. A woman has to pay attention to her hair, makeup, clothing, and jewelry choices  (Minutes Quotes) Most time is wasted, not in hours, but in minutes. A bucket with a small hole in the bottom gets just as empty as a bucket that is deliberately kicked over  (Minutes Quotes) I didn’t want people to think I’m just in the movies, where you make money and wait around for 13 hours before you get to do 20 minutes of work  (Minutes Quotes) Children are simply human beings who are allowed to do what everyone else really desires to do, as for instance, to fly kites, or when seriously wronged to emit prolonged screams for several minutes  (Minutes Quotes) We have three things in common: Irish wives, the ability to speak for 17 minutes without a verb, and the fact that we both speak with an accent  (Minutes Quotes) War is eternity jammed into frantic minutes that will fill a lifetime with dreams and nightmares  (Minutes Quotes) When I run in the morning, my body spends the first 20 minutes trying to figure out what’s happening to it  (Minutes Quotes) Even now, my husband Jerry, our son Matthew and I live only five minutes away from my parents home, and my brothers live about ten minutes away. It’s been great having such a supportive family  (Minutes Quotes) Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win  (Minutes Quotes) Growing up in an Italian family, you use a harsh tone and 10 minutes later everybody forgets about it  (Minutes Quotes) I hadn’t been in Vegas 20 minutes when I got word that the bookmakers were offering three to one that Frank wouldn’t show for my wedding  (Minutes Quotes)
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