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I kinda see my current position like this: Here’s your five minutes in the toy store, so you gotta do all the good movies you can before ‘Chuck Woolery’ rings the bell  (Minutes Quotes) On the average, I don’t spend more than 15 minutes in the car - to go to the golf course or the gym. And that’s the only time I listen to the radio  (Minutes Quotes) When we play “Angel of Death”, it’s actually a 2 and half minutes sing ‘til our party starts. That song is pretty much been played traditionally in the end  (Minutes Quotes) You can have great sequences with music, but if you don’t have the acting you’re bored after 15 minutes. Or not bored, but you’re like, ‘So what?’  (Minutes Quotes) I hate when new parents ask who the baby looks like. It was born 15 minutes ago, it looks like a potat  (Minutes Quotes) One survey that I saw that was published I think in Variety or Electronic Media within the last three weeks says that now the average hour of radio in the United States has 18 minutes of commercials  (Minutes Quotes) I don’t love comedy but I can watch someone who’s kind of interesting forever. I think a waitress who’s having a bad day is a lot more fun than Robin Williams doing forty minutes of material  (Minutes Quotes) We could walk 3 minutes and be on the beach. I think the music kind of suffered because of it. It kind of smelled like Jimmy Buffett, which is a bad thing  (Minutes Quotes) A reporter is always concerned with tomorrow. There’s nothing tangible of yesterday. All I can say I’ve done is agitate the air ten or fifteen minutes and then boom - it’s gone  (Minutes Quotes) It was the character of the Packers, man. We played for sixty minutes. We let it all hang out. There was no tomorrow for us. We got the adrenaline flowing, and we just let it go, man  (Minutes Quotes) The holy land was supposed to be spotless, a serious equivalent of Disneyland in which not a single candy wrapper is to stay on the ground for more than a few minutes  (Minutes Quotes) My general rule is that if everyone knew how to cook fresh produce from their local area, and Monday to Thursday within 20 minutes, you know, there’s millions of recipes out there to be had  (Minutes Quotes) It’s a gamble you take, the risk of alienating an audience. But there’s a theory - sometimes it’s better to confuse them for five minutes than let them get ahead of you for 10 seconds  (Minutes Quotes) Your Majesty, I took the liberty because I was so desirous of visiting alone with you for a few minutes before the rest of the other peasants arrived  (Minutes Quotes) You can tell five minutes into it what a girl is after, when she starts asking how much money I make or tells me, ‘I wanna be an actress  (Minutes Quotes) People do stupid things in the heat of the moment. I’ve been in Vegas where I’ve gotten married for, like, five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) There are rumors that we want to move back to the U. K., but we’re so happy in America I actually can’t see us ever leaving... People ask me how long it took to adapt. Twenty minutes  (Minutes Quotes) The ocean is 20 minutes away. Nature surrounds me 24/7. I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping. I also love that I can go out to dinner in jeans and flip-flops  (Minutes Quotes) My favourite quality workout is 6 X 5 minutes with 1 minute rest between each  (Minutes Quotes) If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all  (Minutes Quotes) As soon as I did my first five minutes of stand-up I knew that I would rather be a failure at comedy than a success in marketing  (Minutes Quotes) I remember. How many minutes do I have left President? About one, one minute  (Minutes Quotes) If Ted Williams just tip his cap once he could be elected Mayor of Boston in five minutes  (Minutes Quotes) If I can finish a cartoon in 20 minutes, then that’s the ideal editorial cartoon - it’s to the point  (Minutes Quotes) You know, an hour and fifty-four minutes is too much for audiences. They get nervous  (Minutes Quotes) Film is more of novelty, because I’ve done so much theater over many years. I’m in love with making movies. Also, I find it easier to remember three minutes of dialogue than three hours  (Minutes Quotes) Songwriting is never one thing. I’ve spent as long as three months writing a song. Other times I’ve done it in twenty minutes  (Minutes Quotes) Minutes without seconds and hours without minutes cannot exist! Respect the links before respecting the chain!  (Minutes Quotes) The ability to last more than six minutes - isn’t that what all men want  (Minutes Quotes) I have literally no idea what it’s like to shoot a 2D movie. I’d only shot things that were 7 minutes long with a video camera in my apartment with friends  (Minutes Quotes)
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