Miranda Kerr Quotes

Text Quotes
Of course I’m going to be labeled as a sex symbol. I made my bed, and I’m sleeping in it. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
Models are some of the most insecure people I’ve ever met. They’re constantly being told they’re not good enough. You’ve really got to practice loving yourself. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I believe in having a vision for the future but living each day at a time (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
When I get home, I’m not the boss like I am at work - I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I’ll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood. Sexy underwear also gives you a spark. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I’ve always had a burning desire to help people and make a difference in the world. I didn’t know how I could do that in modelling when it can be such a fake world. But my dad told me I could make a difference by being true to myself and teaching people what I’ve learnt about spirituality, health and nutrition. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
What I like about modelling is that it has given me that opportunity to travel and experience different cultures, work with creative people, and now it’s given me a voice, and with that voice hopefully I can do good things with it. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
There’s something so comforting to me about having a cup of tea, and it really needs to be made with love - I can taste the difference. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
Time seems to slow down for me when I focus on staying in the moment and that helps me maintain a sense of balance. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
What I find really works for me is dry body brushing; it helps improve the circulation and exfoliates your skin. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
Luckily, eating healthy and exercise are activities I enjoy, but I still like to indulge every now and then. I don’t deprive myself, but I’m thoughtful about my choices. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I feel like life is really short, and it’s important to enjoy yourself and embrace whatever comes your way, whether it’s a challenging day or a great day, just welcome it with open arms. No matter who you are, you can’t escape challenges; they are part of life. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I try my best to eat healthy the majority of the time so that I feel good and have more energy. I am so passionate about eating healthily, I am actually certified in nutrition. I try my best to eat organic whenever possible, but it’s important not to be too strict about it. Just do the best you can. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I don’t really enjoy cardio, but I find activities like cranking up the music and dancing around my house keep me energized and feeling good. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I believe in celebrating the female figure and embracing what we’ve been given, not hiding that. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I love to sing, and I’ve recorded a few covers and originals with friends, but I haven’t written any songs. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
Everyone has things that they don’t love about themselves but I think that as a woman its much healthier and more positive to focus on your good parts and the things you like about yourself, not pick yourself apart. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I think that, as a woman, it’s much healthier and more positive to focus on your good parts and the things you like about yourself, not pick yourself apart. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I’ve always been very comfortable wearing not much, in my swimwear or my underwear, or running around naked. I’ve always been very free like that. I don’t really know why, exactly, but I just have been. Not really too shy about that. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
Women, I think we can feel like we need to do it all and be it all. What’s important is that we do the best we can, and just make time for yourself because when you do make time for yourself, you give back more as a mother; you give back more to your work. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I’m really into rooibos tea with goat’s milk and a little bit of honey. I also drink dandelion tea, Earl Grey, and sometimes a green tea. I’m very into tea. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
When you can, it’s good to make healthy choices. But, I also believe in balance. It’s not about being 100 percent this way or that way. It’s about making healthy choices when you can. (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I always see myself as, like, equal to everyone (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits... they’re like souvenirs (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I grew up sitting beside my grandmother playing the piano and singing (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I live by the 80/20 rule: I’m 80 percent healthy, and then 20 percent indulgent (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I love being outdoors. I love listening to the crickets. I want to embrace nature (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I love going for walks and like to do fun active things outdoors (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I love singing just for my own benefit (Miranda Kerr Quotes)
I love taking pictures of food (Miranda Kerr Quotes)