Miserable Quotes

Text Quotes
People who live under fascism are not only miserable but they’re full of shame. You just don’t go in and inject democracy into them. They’re half crazy with their own (Miserable Quotes)
The most miserable man or woman is the one who knows what is right and does not do it (Miserable Quotes)
We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, contented and detached, miserable and mentally disordered, or whatever (Miserable Quotes)
The happiest of people is the one under whose care people are happy because of him, and the most miserable of people is the one under whose care people are miserable because of him (Miserable Quotes)
Is it not gain to have diminished the faith that it was the duty of the wretched and the miserable to be content with the lot in life which providence had awarded them? (Miserable Quotes)
The more unhappy you are, the more miserable you are, the more you’re going to suffer (Miserable Quotes)
You are as happy as you think you are, but not necessarily as miserable as you imagine (Miserable Quotes)
I was drinking a lot of bourbon. I was miserable. I was starting to get work, but it wasn’t remotely satisfying. It was garbage compared to the theater I was doing (Miserable Quotes)
Our society is so much about fidelity being this thing that’s sacred, and people are miserable. They’re suicidal. It brings more depression than anything else on earth, probably. Sorry to say that, guys (Miserable Quotes)
Not everybody loves their children. If that was a fact, all the children would be happy and they would make happy adults. Instead, we have lots of miserable children that later became miserable adults. This is a fact. We cannot change that (Miserable Quotes)
Miserable mortals who like leaves at one moment flame with life eating the produce of the land and at another moment weakly perish (Miserable Quotes)
The most miserable mortals are they that deliver themselves up to their palates, or to their lusts; the pleasure is short, and turns presently nauseous, and the end of it is either shame or repentance (Miserable Quotes)
Vain is equivalent to empty; thus vanity is so miserable a thing, that one cannot give it a worse name than its own. It proclaims itself for what it is (Miserable Quotes)
Why would I make one woman so miserable when I can make so many women very happy? (Miserable Quotes)
Staying in a hopeless and miserable situation doesn’t make you loyal, it just makes you miserable (Miserable Quotes)
A lot of people depend on their mate or spouse to make them happy and those are the people that are the most miserable (Miserable Quotes)
The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same (Miserable Quotes)
To be blind is not miserable; not to be able to bear blindness, that is miserable (Miserable Quotes)
There is nothing more miserable in the world than to arrive in paradise and look like your passport photo (Miserable Quotes)
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing (Miserable Quotes)
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not (Miserable Quotes)
Artie travels all the time. The rehearsals were just miserable. Artie and I fought all the time. He didn’t want to do the show with my band; he just wanted me on acoustic guitar (Miserable Quotes)
A bully is playing a game, one that he or she enjoys and needs. You’re welcome to play this game if it makes you happy, but for most people, it will make you miserable (Miserable Quotes)
Nature should have been pleased to have made this age miserable, without making it also ridiculous (Miserable Quotes)
There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision (Miserable Quotes)
May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air (Miserable Quotes)
There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there’s only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness. If you make up your mind not to be happy there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a fairly good time (Miserable Quotes)
Oftentimes. when people are miserable, they will want to make other people miserable, too. But it never helps (Miserable Quotes)
Many things can make you miserable for weeks; few can bring you a whole day of happiness (Miserable Quotes)
Let us disperse from our aloofness and serve the weak who made us strong, and cleanse the country in which we live. Let us teach this miserable nation to smile and rejoice with heaven’s bounty and glory of life and freedom (Miserable Quotes)