Misfortune Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a misfortune for a science to be born too late when the means of observation have become too perfect. That is what is happening at this moment with respect to physical chemistry; the founders are hampered in their general grasp by third and fourth decimal places (Misfortune Quotes)
It is a misfortune, inseparable from human affairs, that public measures are rarely investigated with that spirit of moderation which is essential to a just estimate of their real tendency to advance or obstruct the public good; and that this spirit is more apt to be diminished than prompted, by those occasions which require an unusual exercise of it (Misfortune Quotes)
And what shall he suffer who slays him who of all men, as they say, is his own best friend? I mean the suicide, who deprives himself by violence of his appointed share of life. Not because the law of the state requires him. Nor yet under the compulsion of some painful and inevitable misfortune which has come upon him. Nor because he has had to suffer from irremediable and intolerable shame, but who from sloth or want of manliness imposes upon himself an unjust penalty (Misfortune Quotes)
Examine the life of the best and most productive men and nations, and ask yourselves whether a tree which is to grow proudly skywards can dispense with bad weather and storms. Whether misfortune and opposition, or every kind of hatred, jealousy, stubbornness, distrust, severity, greed, and violence do not belong to the favourable conditions without which a great growth even of virtue is hardly possible? (Misfortune Quotes)
Mon cher ami, let’s not give them any pretext, no matter how small, for judging us!!! Otherwise, we’ll be left in shreds. We are forced to take the same precautions as the animal trainer. If, before going into the cage, he has the misfortune to cut himself while shaving, what a feast for the wild animals!! (Misfortune Quotes)
Even if we are occupied with important things and even if we attain honour or fall into misfortune, still let us remember how good it once was here, when we were all together united by a good and kind feeling which made us perhaps better than we are (Misfortune Quotes)
Insofar as he makes use of his healthy senses, man himself is the best and most exact scientific instrument possible. The greatest misfortune of modern physics is that its experiments have been set apart from man, as it were, physics refuses to recognize nature in anything not shown by artificial instruments, and even uses this as a measure of its accomplishments (Misfortune Quotes)
A prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over the period of only six hundred years, would not only free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune, but would lead to a recovery which today seems scarcely conceivable (Misfortune Quotes)
As we have said, robust souls are sometimes almost, but not entirely, overthrown by strokes of misfortune... Despair has steps leading upward. From total depression we rise to despondency, from despondency to affliction, from affliction to melancholy. Melancholy is a twilight state in which suffering transmutes into a somber joy... Melancholy is the enjoyment of being sad (Misfortune Quotes)
People don’t ever seem to realize that doing what’s right is no guarantee against misfortune (Misfortune Quotes)
For this is the mark of a wise and upright man, not to rail against the gods in misfortune (Misfortune Quotes)
No one is to blame. It is neither their fault nor ours. It is the misfortune of being born when a whole world is dying (Misfortune Quotes)
It is never wise to seek or wish for another’s misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang (Misfortune Quotes)
In every adversity of fortune, to have been happy is the most unhappy kind of misfortune (Misfortune Quotes)
Yes, there was an element of abstraction and unreality in misfortune. But when an abstraction starts to kill you, you have to get to work on it (Misfortune Quotes)
It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well, nor sufficient judgment to keep silent (Misfortune Quotes)
Nothing more unqualifies a man to act with prudence than a misfortune that is attended with shame and guilt (Misfortune Quotes)
Debauchee, n. One who has so earnestly pursued pleasure that he has had the misfortune to overtake it (Misfortune Quotes)
Man is neither angel nor beast, and the misfortune is that he who would act the angel acts the beast (Misfortune Quotes)
It is not the passion of a mind struggling with misfortune, or the hopelessness of its desires, but of a mind preying on itself, and disgusted with, or indifferent to all other things (Misfortune Quotes)
Misfortune, and recited misfortune especially, may be prolonged to the point where it ceases to excite pity and arouses only irritation (Misfortune Quotes)
Count on it, if a person talks of their misfortune, there is something in it that is not disagreeable to them (Misfortune Quotes)
Happy the man who can endure the highest and the lowest fortune. He, who has endured such vicissitudes with equanimity, has deprived misfortune of its power (Misfortune Quotes)
There are some vile and contemptible men who, allowing themselves to be conquered by misfortune, seek a refuge in death (Misfortune Quotes)
With every one, the expectation of a misfortune constitutes a dreadful, punishment. Suffering then assumes the proportions of the unknown, which is the soul’s infinite (Misfortune Quotes)
We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are (Misfortune Quotes)
The dower of great beauty has always been misfortune, since happiness and beauty do not agree together (Misfortune Quotes)
To doubt is a misfortune, but to seek when in doubt is an indispensable duty. So he who doubts and seeks not is at once unfortunate and unfair (Misfortune Quotes)
In family life people almost always adjust themselves to misfortune. They make a bed of it and hope makes them accept that bed, however hard it is (Misfortune Quotes)
The diamond of character is revealed by the concussion of misfortune, as the splendor of the precious jewel of the mine is developed by the blows of the lapidary (Misfortune Quotes)