Miss Quotes

Text Quotes
I missed you even when I was with you. That’s been my problem. I miss what I already have, and I surround myself with things that are missing (Miss Quotes)
You know what my philosophy of life is? That it’s important to have some laughs, but you got to suffer a little too, because otherwise you miss the whole point to life (Miss Quotes)
Because I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don’t want to miss any of them (Miss Quotes)
Families break up when they get hints you don’t intend and miss hints that you do (Miss Quotes)
I miss home badly sometimes. But then I remember there’s nothing left to miss anymore. I feel safer here (Miss Quotes)
I also want to tell him how much I already miss him. But that wouldn’t be fair on my part (Miss Quotes)
I mean, it’s stupid to miss someone you didn’t even get along with. But I don’t know, it was nice, you know, having someone you could always fight with (Miss Quotes)
We can get so wrapped up in our own misconceptions that we miss the simple beauty of the truth (Miss Quotes)
He looks out into the empty street, allowing me to sit in his car and just miss her. To miss her each time I pull in a breath of air. To miss her with a heart that feels so cold by itself, but warm when thoughts of her flow through me (Miss Quotes)
A successful novel should interrupt the reader’s life, make him or her miss appointments, skip meals, forget to walk the dog (Miss Quotes)
I want you to admit just once what you feel for me. I want to know if you’ll miss me even a little. If you’ll remember me. If you’re sorry for anything (Miss Quotes)
You know, I might miss some of your witticisms when you’re gone, but one thing I won’t miss? Your overwhelming sense of melodrama and despair. It’s too much even for me (Miss Quotes)
I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can’t stop them. They leave me and I love them more (Miss Quotes)
Of course it was a terrible thing, and the world would be a much better place without someone in it who could do that, but did that mean we had to miss lunch? (Miss Quotes)
It didn’t escape me that he couldn’t seem to stop finding reasons to touch me. Nor did I miss that I didn’t want him to stop (Miss Quotes)
Great books give you a feeling that you miss all day, until you finally get to crawl back inside those pages again (Miss Quotes)
She wanted nothing more than someone to miss, to touch, with whom to speak like a child, with whom to be a child (Miss Quotes)
So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it (Miss Quotes)
The worst thing you can do if you miss or need someone is let them know it (Miss Quotes)
What does it cost to lose those weeks, that light, the very nights in the year preferred over all others? Can you evade the dying of the brightness? Or do you evade only its warning? Where are you left if you miss the message the blue nights bring? (Miss Quotes)
Nothing comes unannounced, but many can miss the announcement. So it’s very important to actually listen to your own intuition rather than driving through it (Miss Quotes)
I miss him still today: his long, whiskery eyebrows, his huge hands and hugs, his warmth, his prayers, his stories, but above all his shining example of how to live and how to die (Miss Quotes)
I suppose that saves us from having to determine what to do with a butler who goes around killing people. It certainly reflects badly upon our domestic staff. Still, I shall miss him. There was a man who knew how to brew a good cup of tea (Miss Quotes)
The reason I never want a book to end is that I start to feel like the characters are my friends. I’ll miss them when they’re gone (Miss Quotes)
I miss everyone. I can remember being young and feeling a thing and identifying it as homesickness, and then thinking well now that’s odd, isn’t it, because I was home, all the time. What on earth are we to make of that? (Miss Quotes)
If I had a chance with him, I missed it. No, I didn’t miss it. I threw it away (Miss Quotes)
That no matter what I did, I would always be missing something else. And the only way to live, the only way to be happy, was to make sure the things I didn’t miss meant more to me than the things I missed (Miss Quotes)
Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory (Miss Quotes)
It’s weird to feel like you miss someone you’re not even sure you know (Miss Quotes)
People are supposed to care. It’s good that people mean something to you, that you miss people when they’re gone (Miss Quotes)