Miss Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes you miss the beauty of life when you’re too focused on a single view (Miss Quotes)
The trouble with you people is that you’ve been here for thirty million years and your perspectives are all wrong. You miss so much of the transitory beauty of life. (Miss Quotes)
Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful. The beauty of the motion picture business is that you can make a little movie like ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ or ‘Rain Man’ and go right through the roof. This business is still about creative juices, and size is no guarantee of that. (Miss Quotes)
This is going to make such a great story: How I nursed a pirate back to health and my love saved him, Miss Ohio said with a contented sigh. And then we can have our own reality show about our relationship. - Beauty Queens (Miss Quotes)
Taylor clapped three times for attention. Ladies! Ladies! My stars! That’s enough. Now. We all know Miss Arkansas’s girls are fake, Miss Ohio’s easier than making cereal, and Miss Montana’s dress is something my blind meemaw would wear to bingo night. - Beauty Queens (Miss Quotes)
I think we should look forward to death more than we do. Of course everybody hates to go to bed or miss anything, but dying is really the only chance we’ll get to rest. (Miss Quotes)
I don’t want to die before Will Smith ‘cause then I miss that awesome ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ marathon. (Miss Quotes)
Life on earth is such a good story you cannot afford to miss the beginning... Beneath our superficial differences we are all of us walking communities of bacteria. The world shimmers, a pointillist landscape made of tiny living beings. (Miss Quotes)
The joy is in the getting there. The beginning years of starting your business, the camaraderie when you’re in the pit together, are the best years of your life. So rather than being so focused on when you get big and powerful, if you can just get the juice out of that... don’t miss it. (Miss Quotes)
I’m just afraid I’m gonna miss it all... being married... being a mother. (Miss Quotes)
I suppose, to be fair, I don’t miss the energy of youth very much - because I was never fit. So it doesn’t matter not being able to walk miles, striding the countryside, taking deep breaths and enjoying the scenery. That was never on my agenda. (Miss Quotes)
I look for something that can challenge me or makes me ever so slightly afraid - fearful of how I am going to approach it - then I’ll go for it. If the project appears linear or predictable, then I’ll usually give it a miss. Anything that involves me being stretched as an actor, I go for. (Miss Quotes)
When asked if I miss being in government, I usually try to lighten the moment by responding that I awake most days, read the paper, and then observe that, ‘It’s yet another great day to be the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency.’ (Miss Quotes)
All I know is, being away from you......makes it hard to breathe. I miss you so much (Miss Quotes)
If we are paying attention to our lives, we’ll recognise those defining moments. The challenge for so many of us is that we are so deep into daily distractions and ‘being busy, busy’ that we miss out on those moments and opportunities that - if jumped on - would get our careers and personal lives to a whole new level of wow. (Miss Quotes)
I miss my kids sometimes and that can get me down when I’ve been away working, but then I wake up and recognize how incredibly lucky I am. Spending time being down is less time out there achieving and enjoying. (Miss Quotes)
I love being in borrowed houses. I love being a bit out of my context. I miss my context dreadfully, but I’m excited by that. (Miss Quotes)
I knew it was gonna go out. It was just a question of it being fair or foul. The wind must have carried it 15 feet toward the foul pole. I just stood there and watched. I didn’t want to miss seeing it go out. (Miss Quotes)
I used to ride horses when I was younger. Ponies were my life. I miss being fearless. (Miss Quotes)
I didn’t want to be ordinary, I mumbled.My mother looked upWhat ordinary, Charley?You know. Someone you forget.From the other room came the squeals of children. Miss Thelma turned her chin to the sound. She smiled,That’s what keeps me from being forgotten. (Miss Quotes)
I do miss sometimes being onstage, because when I do film and television, it’s usually so brief and funny. (Miss Quotes)
Ugh. I do not miss being your age. Sarah muttered, retracting her hand and wrinkling her nose. It’s like all teenagers have hormones coming out of their ears. (Miss Quotes)
I would do a Byrds tour or a Byrds record in a minute. I miss that band now. I’ve tried to convince Roger over and over to do it, but he’s not interested. Music isn’t something you can legislate into being. (Miss Quotes)
I missed my home - like the physicality of my home, I missed my friends and my family mostly and just hanging out and being in your home country - culturally it feels right and that is what I miss. (Miss Quotes)
My son was born somewhat late in my life and I just found myself really feeling like I didn’t want to miss out on being a parent and being with him, and not wanting a situation where I was constantly pulled back and forth between being present, and having all these other pressures and considerations. (Miss Quotes)
I have no ego investment in being on the air. I don’t knock others for whom that kind of attention is like oxygen, but I don’t miss anything about it. (Miss Quotes)
I think we’ll always miss our parents. But I think we can miss them without being miserable all the time. After all, they wouldn’t want us to be miserable. (Miss Quotes)
I am less selfish. But I am more insistent on being part of the creative experience. I find I am a better mother, lover and wife when I am writing. When my daughter was small I wasn’t writing as much and I didn’t miss it. (Miss Quotes)
I’m not practising, I don’t go to church, but what I got from it was a sense of belonging to something bigger. What I really miss is being forced to be in a community with people that aren’t the same as you. Then, you really have to work through the ways that you’re different. (Miss Quotes)
I have the advantage of being pretty small, so if I’m flying myself, I’m flying coach. To save the money. I just put in my headphones, and it’s no big thing. I keep my head down, wear a hoodie or a hat - but sometimes not even that. I’m small. People miss me. (Miss Quotes)