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Missing Quotes

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Why does everyone think a guy who prefers love to people is missing something in his life?  (Missing Quotes) Look! I can’t even wear glasses because my ear is missing. I’m hardcore! I’m hardcore!  (Missing Quotes) I know I will never wear sandals now anywhere. I got in a fight in the back of a grocery store when I was really young, like 14 or something. And I remember my feet were so torn up afterwards because I lost my sandals in the middle of the fight. My toenail was missing. It just sucked  (Missing Quotes) Witnessing the bond between a parent and their little ones firsthand really brought home to me how much I was missing  (Missing Quotes) There is a cost that comes with moving schools so often and it’s not what I want for my son when he gets older, but it did make me very adaptable. I became aware of what was missing from the social structure of each class that I arrived in, and made sure to fill that gap  (Missing Quotes) I think sometimes we rush through countries, ticking off the attractions, but that’s missing the point  (Missing Quotes) We’ve all seen great actors and actresses who are missing a certain chemistry. And it’s not about getting along or not getting along  (Missing Quotes) I think to be a supermodel you first had to be a model, and I think people are jumping and missing that stage  (Missing Quotes) There’s something missing about how we’re informing the youngsters coming along about what matters in the world. We teach them the numbers and the letters, but we fail to communicate the importance of our connection to the living world  (Missing Quotes) Every picture’s painted differently, every one has got a vision in their mind. That fills the heart with answers, and the missing piece that we hope to find  (Missing Quotes) I have found that the reason a lot of people are interested in artificial intelligence is the same reason a lot of people are interested in artificial limbs: they are missing one  (Missing Quotes) I think a lot of times we can get distracted and not be in the moment with people and be missing all the life happening in the moment  (Missing Quotes) There aren’t any looks or customs I wish would come back. Today almost anything goes. Culture constantly devours the past so there’s not much that’s missing  (Missing Quotes) I wanted to be involved in music and I felt I needed to get in quick. I didn’t want to spend four years in college and then hope for the best. I gave myself a year, which is why I kept pushing people for a chance. I literally felt my whole life was in the balance. Music was my life, and I was scared of having time pass by and missing my chance  (Missing Quotes) In a wristwatch, imagine the battery is in the strap and there’s a medical sensor in there connected to the internet. If someone is monitoring that, they could phone up if the user has forgotten to take some medication. This could save hundreds of dollars in medical fees later. What’s missing? It’s a stable battery  (Missing Quotes) Closed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out  (Missing Quotes) If you play it safe every time, then you’re missing the best part of acting. You haven’t learned anything about your humanity  (Missing Quotes) When you go to jail, there’s so much simple stuff missing. You just want some good toilet paper or a real toothbrush, a real blanket and a real bed to lay in  (Missing Quotes) I’ve done so many interviews that I’ve gotten past the ego and the personality. I used to feel that there might be something missing, but a few years ago I realized that I was so causative over how the interview went that I was no longer concerned over the effects of the interview  (Missing Quotes) You don’t feel a thing. There’s just something missing. And once it gets hold of you, something more is missing every day. Soon there won’t be anything left of us  (Missing Quotes) It’s when you’ve found out how to do certain things, that it’s time to stop doing them, because what’s missing is that you’re not including the risk  (Missing Quotes) Sometimes we believe that happiness is not possible in the here and now, that we need a few more conditions to be happy. So we run toward the future to get the conditions we think are missing. But by doing so we sacrifice the present moment; we sacrifice true life  (Missing Quotes) What you feel is wrong or missing in your relationships is an indication that something is amiss within you  (Missing Quotes) If you’re only happy when the sun is out, you’re missing half of your life  (Missing Quotes) I’ve come to the conclusion that athletes, when they say they miss the crowd, are not missing the sound of the crowd. What they’re missing is the feeling inside that makes the crowd roar. It’s not the roar of the crowd, it’s the silence inside  (Missing Quotes) The relative ease of most driving lures us into thinking we can get away with doing other things. Indeed, those other things, like listening to the radio, can help when driving itself is threatening to cause fatigue. But we buy into the myth of multitasking with little actual knowledge of how much we can really add in or, as with the television news, how much we are missing. As the inner life of the driver begins to come into focus, it is becoming clear not only that distraction is the single biggest problem on the road but that we have little concept of just how distracted we are  (Missing Quotes) Our lives are pretty calm. Merging on the freeway in the closest you get to risking your life. So what’s missing now is that primal emotion of being scared to death, and I think that’s why people crave thrills like roller coasters or scary movies. They give you the chance to feel this very primal emotion in a very controlled environment  (Missing Quotes) It’s folly that women measure their happiness with the pleasures of the bed, but they do. And when the pleasure cools or their man goes missing, all they once lived for turns dark and hateful  (Missing Quotes) Problems aren’t out there, whatever is missing is what you are not giving, and whatever crisis you are hitting is a call for more of you to come out, for more of you to emerge  (Missing Quotes) Understand why you are different and how you help, recognise your target market, and give them something they might not even realise they are missing  (Missing Quotes)
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