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Missing Someone Quotes

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You never know how much someone means to you until their gone  (Missing Someone Quotes) It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can't have them in your arms  (Missing Someone Quotes) Missing you comes in waves, tonight I'm drowning  (Missing Someone Quotes) Of course I miss you, it's all I do  (Missing Someone Quotes) I just miss you  (Missing Someone Quotes) They don't miss you when you're gone, they miss you when you move on  (Missing Someone Quotes) I just want you here. Close to me  (Missing Someone Quotes) I only miss you every minute of everyday. You will never truly be gone, I will hold you safe in my heart forever  (Missing Someone Quotes) Not being able to sleep because that certain someone is on your mind  (Missing Someone Quotes) It's crazy how you can go for months without talking to someone but they still cross your mind every day  (Missing Someone Quotes) Is it bad that sometimes I still hope that you'll wake up one day and miss me  (Missing Someone Quotes) I can't sleep. I'm just lying here, thinking about you  (Missing Someone Quotes) Another year without you  (Missing Someone Quotes) You never stop loving someone, you just learn to live without them  (Missing Someone Quotes) I miss our conversations  (Missing Someone Quotes) I find pieces of you in every song I listen to  (Missing Someone Quotes) I just miss you, that's all  (Missing Someone Quotes) To say I miss you is an understatement  (Missing Someone Quotes) One day closer  (Missing Someone Quotes) I started missing you the moment you said goodbye  (Missing Someone Quotes) The days I don't talk to you are the bad days  (Missing Someone Quotes) Then it hits you so much harder than you ever thought it would  (Missing Someone Quotes) I want you to look back and miss me  (Missing Someone Quotes) I think about you every night  (Missing Someone Quotes) Hey. I miss you  (Missing Someone Quotes) I miss my best friend  (Missing Someone Quotes) You were gone for forever. I counted  (Missing Someone Quotes) I wish I could show up at your door step right now and spend the whole night with you  (Missing Someone Quotes) Wish you were here  (Missing Someone Quotes) Don't go, I will miss you so much  (Missing Someone Quotes)
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