Mistakes Quotes

Text Quotes
We all make mistakes, and it’s not until we make mistakes that we learn (Mistakes Quotes)
I wouldnt change anything because the mistakes and the hurt are as important as all the great fights. They made me who I am today (Mistakes Quotes)
One of the most common mistakes people make in any conversation is to think about what they want to say next instead of actually listening to what the other person is saying (Mistakes Quotes)
The most common mistakes women make when applying makeup are not applying it in the proper light and not using their hands as blending tools (Mistakes Quotes)
I might look successful but I’ve made many mistakes. People take their failures too seriously. You have to be positive and believe you will find success next time (Mistakes Quotes)
I like to practise. With every new piece, you make mistakes and you learn. So it’s important to get on and have another go (Mistakes Quotes)
I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of things I’m not proud of. But it’s only for other people to learn from (Mistakes Quotes)
I don’t make a lot of mistakes, because it’s hard for me to be wrong (Mistakes Quotes)
There’s always room for improvement. I incorporate the lessons I learned from my mistakes and move forward (Mistakes Quotes)
I’m willing to make a fool out of myself in public. I’m also willing to make those mistakes that you’re going to make the first time you go out, so hopefully the next time it will be better (Mistakes Quotes)
One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is that we lie to ourselves. We don’t step back and look at ourselves like a competitor would (Mistakes Quotes)
I don’t think I have any regrets, but I can tell you what I learned from mistakes or failures. I’ve had plenty of those. I just don’t believe in regret, and my economic world is not what I would ever have imagined; I’m financially free (Mistakes Quotes)
When you start out in the wrestling business, you make a lot of mistakes, tripping over your own feet and looking like a fool (Mistakes Quotes)
I have always believed that there is no point in having regrets as you learn far more from mistakes than successes. Embrace a mistake and learn from it; don’t regret them (Mistakes Quotes)
Sometimes the best decisions in life are on the spur of the moment. So I generally try to do what I think is right. And sometimes I make mistakes (Mistakes Quotes)
My work has made me tolerant of memory mistakes by family and friends. You don’t have to call them lies. I think we could be generous and say maybe this is a false memory (Mistakes Quotes)
Sometimes its difficult to accept, to recognise ones own mistakes, but one must do it. I was guilty of overconfidence and arrogance, and I was punished for that (Mistakes Quotes)
You would not have the wisdom and knowledge you now possess were it not for the setbacks you have faced, the mistakes you have made and the suffering you have endured (Mistakes Quotes)
All of us make mistakes. The key is to acknowledge them, learn, and move on. The real sin is ignoring mistakes, or worse, seeking to hide them (Mistakes Quotes)
As it was, we always misunderstood ourselves and rarely understood others. Experience was of no ethical value. It was merely the name men gave to their mistakes (Mistakes Quotes)
What looks like multitasking is really switching back and forth between multiple tasks, which reduces productivity and increases mistakes by up to 50 percent (Mistakes Quotes)
I always found the appeal to the market gods a bit odd. Why would the market fix mistakes instead of aggravating them? (Mistakes Quotes)
People make mistakes all the time. We learn and grow. If theres patience and love, and you care for people, you can work them through it, and they can find their greatest heights (Mistakes Quotes)
Whatever sport you’re looking at, it’s usually the team that makes the least mistakes that has the most success (Mistakes Quotes)
I taught myself how to play the guitar, so I basically learned by a system of making mistakes (Mistakes Quotes)
Without any formal personal finance instruction in our high school or college curricula, many college seniors who graduate in the red will continue to make common financial mistakes that only exacerbate their debt burdens (Mistakes Quotes)
Listen widely to remove your doubts and be careful when speaking about the rest and your mistakes will be few (Mistakes Quotes)
I’m not better than the next trader, just quicker at admitting my mistakes and moving on to the next opportunity (Mistakes Quotes)
Successes teach you nothing. Failures teach you everything. Making mistakes is the most important thing you can do (Mistakes Quotes)
I always say that I’m really inspired by mistakes and things that kind of go wrong (Mistakes Quotes)